Date: 4/9/2019
By DreamBabyCloud
I showed Adam 3 pictures I had of him in my album. He was amused. He wore an uncharacteristic yellow button up shirt with a gas logo patch. A woman showed us how to make / play this game kinda like “Operation”. I was excited by it and thought of ways to make it. I then asked how his mother was and he said so-so. I asked how his sister was and a similar answer came. Also, a friend of mine went into labor and we had a margarita to celebrate the impending birth. Also, my guy held a bag of incense and he pulled one out called, “Forest” that he liked a lot and that I could actually smell in my dream. He also pulled away from me for being nice to and taking to my old friend Adam. But I wouldn’t let him pull away because of petty jealousy.