school shooter/ competition

Date: 1/10/2019

By sarahhowwell

there was a man who said he wanted to shoot up the school. And it was a competition but it was after school so all the teachers came in to make sure nobody was there. So then people were showing up as soon as they left and seeing if they can hide to see if the shooter could find them. i remember looking through the glass with a bunch of people watching my teachers looking to make sure students weren’t there. for some reason it was like a competition like who could the shooter find. for some reason they couldn’t stop him from coming and a ton of students/ people wanted to come into the dark empty school at night to hide and play the game. then I was forced to go with my friends, I didn’t want to go but they wanted to. We showed up and we spread out and I hid in the closet with my friend. i remember being the first few people there and we were planning to escape out of the window and to run into the forest if he came. the forest was a maze for some reason that was also part of the game (but we didn’t know that yet). There were cameras and somehow I was watching my friend hiding and he was walking around the school opening doors in finding people under cabinets/ in drawers/ and in closets, and shooting them right in the head. I watched my friend die. I started panicking because I knew he was coming to our room next so we left out of the window. it was sooo dark outside. There was a maze he also was looking through but the maze was in the backyard of the school. We ran into the maze and were hiding and somehow I was watching him do everything else with my brother. My brother was his assistant and the shooter said that he wouldn’t shoot his “faithful servants.” So I pretended to be one of his “servants” and said that I was going to help him. I followed them around and they found my twin. He almost shot my sister in the head until I begged him not to. She was with two other people and they were in a car I think outside of the school. Somehow I was watching everything else at the same time unfolding elsewhere. He was going through the maze part by part seeing who is hiding in there. He was a shooting everyone in the head and killing them. I watched as my friends got caught and he tried to kill them.