Digital art 4k scene from a movie: Pool party at Marcia's house, making strawberry beer in the kitchen with a 5-gallon bucket of sliced strawberries, debating running them through the juicer to get the stems out despite a storm rolling in and thinking maybe it's best to end the party due to the rain.

Pool party, strawberry beer.

Date: 8/28/2017

By twilson37

Pool party at my house It's a small pool and there's a lot of people from high school there so we're thinking about moving to the public pool which is larger. The party is not my doing and I am surprised to see it and a little bit annoyed. Storm rolling in, It's raining. I am thinking we probably need to end this party. I am in the kitchen making strawberry beer. I realized I left the stems on when I sliced them and the mash is full of stems. Thinking about running it through the juicer to get the stems out. There is a 5 gallon bucket of sliced strawberries. Thinking that's gonna be a lot of work running that through the juicer. Marcia is there. Says that will make fantastic beer if I do. There is another dream or maybe it's part of this one, I'm not sure. There is a boy and a girl and they are attracted to each other, but they keep missing cues from one another until others finally step in and help them connect. ----- Waking life notes: This dream seems all about social connections. I wonder if this is in response to something my therapist said about missed opportunities and missed friendships. (Poem Do not love half loves) Particularly because the people there were primarily from high school. I was a lone wolf in high school. I did not go out of my way to make friends. As a matter fact i spent my lunch break in a bathroom stall to avoid people. And towards the end of senior year, one of the more popular boys asked me why I never hung out with any of them and did I think I was better than everybody else? Honestly I didn't think you wanted my company. Social issues could have been born of low self esteem and fear of rejection. Over the years I've gotten over the low self-esteem. But my way to deal with people is so ingrained now. I reject them before they have a chance to reject me. I tell myself I don't like people and I don't need the company. It is better to avoid social interaction than risk rejection.

AI generated interpretation Your dream of a pool party and making strawberry beer can be interpreted as reflecting your subconscious thoughts and emotions related to social connections and missed opportunities. The pool party at your house with people from high school may symbolize feelings of nostalgia or unresolved issues from your past, particularly related to social interactions and friendships. Feeling annoyed and surprised by the party could suggest a sense of discomfort or unease when faced with social gatherings or unexpected social situations. The storm rolling in and the rain may represent internal turmoil or a need for emotional release and cleansing, indicating a desire to address or end certain social dynamics or interactions. Making strawberry beer in the kitchen may symbolize a creative or innovative approach to social connections or relationships. The presence of stems in the mash could indicate potential obstacles or challenges in forming meaningful connections or transforming past experiences. Considering running the strawberries through the juicer to remove the stems may signify a willingness to put in effort and work towards overcoming these obstacles in order to create something valuable or rewarding. The interaction with Marcia and her encouragement about the beer could represent external support or validation from others in your social circle. This may suggest a need for reassurance or encouragement in your efforts to improve social relationships or make new connections. The boy and girl in the other part of the dream, who are attracted to each other but keep missing cues, could symbolize missed opportunities or miscommunications in your own relationships. Overall, your dream reflects themes of social anxiety, missed connections, and a desire for deeper and more meaningful relationships. It may be a reflection of your internal struggles with self-esteem, fear of rejection, and ingrained patterns of avoiding social interactions. By exploring and addressing these underlying emotions and beliefs, you may be able to cultivate healthier and more fulfilling social connections in your waking life.