Date: 11/16/2019
By BollyMeth33
Had a dream that Jill had bought this pumpkin decoration (made out of aluminum or some kind of metal) and was going to send it to an old man in the nursing home. When you pulled the corkscrew stem, it revealed a message and it said something about me being wonderful and talking about me visiting her. And then, switching to a new scene, I was video chatting with this guy that I liked (there's not a dude in real life, so idk who it could've represented.) And he was showing me the lake or harbor and it was dark, so the street lights were reflecting on the black water's surface. It also might have involved a super cool video game that may or may not exist and if it doesn't, it should because it seemed like a pretty good concept. Also, me breaking up with said guy because I didn't wanna be in a relationship or some with him. I remember sitting on the bed, leaning over him to break the news.