I had sex with Luke Spiller & then we were being chased by an army in a large bouncy house?

Date: 12/20/2018

By lmarally42

I can’t remember how this dream started but the first thing I can clearly remember is that I was having sex with some dude in a small one bedroom apartment & we were doing it in front of a mirror by the window. He didnt have a distinct face at first, but his face later on clearly became the face of Luke Spiller (the lead singer from The Struts). I remember we were doing pretty hardcore doggy style & we were talking about something at the same time. I can’t clearly remember our conversation, but I think I was telling him that we should get married & that I wanted to have 6 kids with him. He kept telling me something similar to “I don’t know” or “not right now”, but I kept insisting that if he loved me, why not? ** At this point in the dream, I can’t remember details as clearly. ** So after we finished having sex, I think we were talking a little bit more about kids and stuff. He put his pants back on then opened the front door, which lead to a huge and steep staircase that oddly had the texture of an inflatable bouncy house. He started climbing (or some weird mix between climbing and bouncing) up the stairs, and I followed after him. While climbing up the stairs we seemed to pass rows and rows of desks (like the type of front desks you see in offices). **This part is very blurry in my memory so Idk if I’m remembering this correctly** Once we reached the top of the stairs, I THINK there was a cake that was placed on the last desk & I think he fed me a slice. Afterwards, we slid down the staircase & appeared back in the apartment room. While we were in the apartment talking, a flaming arrow flew through the window. At this point, the man who I was with who had the face of Luke Spiller had a face that was no longer distinguishable again. There was also another man that just poofed in the room; he kinda looked like Glóin, the bearded dwarf from Lord of the Rings. The man who I had sex with closed the window. The man, Glóin, and I were just staring at the window in anticipation. Another flaming arrow fired, and cracked the window. Then a bigger flaming arrow fired, and shattered the window completely. At this point, we began to gather a few of our most important belongings as quickly as we could. We proceeded to go into the closet room to hide. I remember I was crying & the man who formerly had Luke Spiller’s face began writing a message to his loved ones on the carpet. **This part is really blurry but I’ll try to make out what I can remember** I think at some point the building exploded, but instead of dying, we landed on what appeared to be a large inflatable green slide. So me, the man who was former Luke Spiller, and Gloin were inside of a large blanket, sliding down the inflatable slide together. When we reached the bottom of the slide, we realized that we made a huge mistake bc instead of taking us away from our enemies, the slide brought us right to them. We stayed inside the blanket and very slowly shimmied back up the slide in the hopes that our enemies didn’t see us. However, one of the men in the enemy line (who also had the face of Gloin for some reason) caught us and directed his army to chase after us. At this point, the slide somehow turned into a staircase and the three of us were frantically running away from the army of men chasing after us. I remember I was in the front and good Gloin & former Luke Spiller were frantically running for their lives behind me. Then I woke up bc my heart was beating so fast. *** Lol I promise I did not watch Lord of the Rings or anything similar to it prior to this dream so idk why Gloin kept appearing in my dream so much. I can bet that I dreamt of the whole sex scene bc my boyfriend and I have had sex in front of a mirror like that before & we always talk about our future together and whether or not we want kids. So I probably dreamt that whole scene bc I was subconsciously missing him. The man in my dream probably had the face of Luke Spiller at one point simply bc I was thinking about The Struts before bed; I like their music lol. But I have no explanation as to why there were so many damn bouncy house-like stairs/slides in my dream & why it was very Lord of the Rings-esque when I literally haven’t seen LOTR since 2 years ago lol ***