Date: 5/7/2020
By ItsABlackCat
I was driving with my family through a farm we owned. As we passed through a field my mom mentioned that our cat was being such a good boy for chasing off the rabbits and the like which were eating our crops. During the drive, I got bored and started playing music on my playlist. But the type of music I played changed the world around us: First I played a modern pop song and the dirt roads shifted to inner city streets, our old truck to a nice, sleek black Porsche, and the grassy fields around us I looked with buildings that rose from the ground like sped-up flowers, while the grass itself sunk into concrete sidewalks. As we moved people started appearing on the sidewalks and cars on the road. My mom got annoyed and said something like, “ugh, I don’t know how you guys even like this music! Change the channel. If I’m driving I get to choose the music, you’re lucky I’m letting you pick at all.” I quickly changed the channel because I’m not a disobedient child and I also don’t want to make her stop the car to beat me. It changes to a rap song and as we drive the city gets deeper and darker and richer, somehow; the buildings more vibrant, the people wearing gold chains. She yells at me to change it and I quickly skip the song again, and it changes to a rock song from the 90’s; this she lets me leave on for a bit. The world changes to an urban neighborhood and the car to a soccer mom van. The people walking through the neighborhood are messily casual. Eventually the song moves on and a dubstep song comes on. The world around us changes again, to a desert like area with futuristic blue-and-white buildings. I don’t see any people. My mom says something like “so help me god if you don’t change this channel” and I’m like YES MA’AM and this time, I go to the songs and actually choose a new one, that I think she’d like. It’s some old country song. The world around us changes back to the farm we’d been on before and she seems satisfied, so I keep that song on. Eventually we arrive at a little barn area but I run back out to the fields to see my cat, who’s being a good boy and keeping watch from inside of a bush (which would be sneaky if he wasn’t an all-black cat).