international superspies but DUMB

Date: 6/22/2021

By livtina

In the beginning of the dream, I was strolling by a house with a few male friends and Kayleigh, who are all my childhood friends from elementary school. I forgot which of my friends the dudes were. I think one of them was Fabian. Anyway... my grandmother was accompanying us. We might’ve been walking or being driven, I forgot that detail too, but regardless, we wounded up in front of this small house. It looked slightly dirty, but not alarmingly so. I nosily decided to take a closer look at the house, and to my surprise, I saw a ginormous blood splatter on the right side of the door. It looked fresh. I reported this to my friends and grandmother verryyyy loudly, to which we all gasped and discussed our next move. Instead of calling the police, we BRAINLESSLY chose to just walk into the home without warning or permission, to “investigate” the crime scene. The door was conveniently unlocked, so we just entered. This was a huge, huge mistake. When we got in, no one was inside. It was eerily quiet, and everyone dispersed/spread out to check out the place and find clues. We wanted to see if there would be any corpses or something. After a few seconds of slowly walking around, I looked to my left and saw what appeared to be a NEWBORN BABY lying on the wooden floor, totally alone and SILENT. I was mortified, and called everyone over. Again, we all gasped dramatically and discussed our second move. I remember exclaiming theatrically, “Who would do such a thing?!” My grandmother then took the baby into her arms, and suddenly left the house. I don’t know why we didn’t question it, but we didn’t question it. I guess it was presumed the baby was still alive, and needed to be taken to the ER or something. She drove away, and my friends and I continued to investigate. Not even seconds later, just as we’re all feeling a little TOO comfortable wandering around, I see a bathroom door swing open. A young woman stepped out of the bathroom with her phone, which had a flashlight on. It was shining right at my face, and it felt like time had stopped. Before I knew it, the woman’s phone had dropped to the floor, and I was screaming at my friends to leave the house. It felt like we were all in slo-mo. We didn’t make it, because the scene changed, and my friends and I found ourselves being held captive in a tiny bedroom, with one bed and a TV. The woman threatened to kill us, to do all sorts of things to us, and said we were never going to leave. We were to die in that room. Hours passed, and by then, I was already trying to manipulate her by acting friendly. I wanted to get on her “good side” and somehow get my friends and I out of there. It didn’t work AT ALL. Instead, the woman began to favor Kayleigh, and I actually got JEALOUS. So ridiculous. Anyway, I hid the jealousy. The woman allowed Kayleigh to leave the room and venture throughout the house freely, while my male friends and I all slept on the same small bed. Spoiler alert: none of us slept. We just watched TV all night and talked about how much the situation sucked. Oh yeah, by the way, none of us had our phones taken. We were TOO STUPID TO CONTACT ANYONE. My grandmother never returned. We never escaped. It was never revealed whose blood was on the house, or why there was a silent newborn baby on the floor. I woke up, before I could see those things happen. Bro, lesson learned. DON’T enter a STRANGER’S HOME.