Car crash into house

Date: 5/18/2021

By juliaaramini

My house was a long rectangle, with the long part facing the street. There was a big fence surrounding the front yard to keep my dogs in (four of them). My dogs were barking like crazy outside so I looked out the window to see why and saw a woman had opened the gate and was trying to steal one of my dogs. I ran outside and started yelling at her, I don’t remember exactly what we said but it ended with her calling me a bitch and leaving, dogless thankfully. Later, I was hanging out in the house with my family when suddenly a car comes careening out of nowhere directly toward the right side of our house. It rammed right through the wall, and turned out to be the same woman trying to steal my dogs. We called the police and an ambulance. The woman had died on impact. They took her car, and for some reason they did not make us leave the house for safety or anything. A little later cops were checking out the scene and my family and I were there with them. Then someone yells at us to move. The cops move immediately but we aren’t fast enough. It’s another car headed straight toward the hole in our house. It crashes into the hole again and we all get minor injuries from flying debris. We had moved to the side inside our house so we could see who it was. It was my dad’s assistant who was also pregnant. She was sobbing and yelling about sliding on ice and not being able to stop. We weren’t upset with her because she didn’t create the hole and it wasn’t her fault. Right as we were about to help her out of the car, the end of the house we were in fell off. It didn’t break into pieces though, the floor remained intact, the room just rested at a diagonal angle. We all fell down the angle and got even more injuries. The pregnant woman’s stomach was bleeding, which wasn’t a good sign and she was rushed to the hospital. It jumps to later that night. All the cops and paramedics are gone, and for some reason my sister and I are still in our broken ass house. We go to the right side of the house (the unbroken side) and go into the very edge room and look inside. There is a window directly across. I step into the room and the same thing that happened to the other side of the house happens to this side. It breaks off and rests at a diagonal angle. I fall in and go directly through the window. I am covered in cuts from the glass, and my throat is punctured. I start wobbling to the front of the house while my sister yells my name, less and less able to breathe. Finally I collapse and die, and then I woke up.