Last day of the trimester

Date: 10/8/2022

By lilacsilverbloom

I was at college and living in a cabin a car ride away through the woods. Instead of semesters we had trimesters that started in august until mid November with the second trimester starting on January 1st. (horrible day to start school!) There was a class where the final exam was a group project underwater and we had to be little fish and create a functional colony and I fell in love with the girl in my group in her fish form. We needed to go to our new underwater grocery store we created and buy the food to cook our meal for our professor to try, and I kept getting lost in the store. I think we did pretty well in our class and then after I get back on to dry land. Then I was in a different room drying off and Marcy and Betty were there putting their little faces in my cup of water and drinking my water. There is a bus that takes us to campus and we have one afternoon to pack everything up and I was stressed about that because I hadn’t visited my room on campus at all this whole trimester because I was living in the cabin off campus. So I went to clean it up and I found Sara who was going to celebrate with her grandma!