Decaying Castle

Date: 4/11/2016

By craig-bert

(2 am EST) I was house sitting, or something, at an ancient castle while the owners were away for the week. I was not there alone taking care of the place, but I did have one of the most important jobs of taking care of a little ornate box that looked like a small writing desk without legs. There was a drawer that I kept opening and closing to check on things, probably too much, and that drawer slowly fell apart and disintegrated. I was trying to fix it and hide it all at the same time. (I kept thinking that I must have looked like Tim Conway.) I wasn't the only one, though. The other people who were there trying to take care of the place while the owners were gone were having the same problems with the things that they were in charge of. The big crisis arrived in the fact that there was an important holiday that was usually celebrated at the castle, where all the local townspeople came and enjoyed an elaborate feast. No one was supposed to know that the owners were not there and we were trying to hide the fact that the castle was crumbling. SO, some dumb-ass gets the good idea of telling the town that the celebration was on, because they were concerned about hiding the disintegration of their little segment of the castle, trying to make give the appearance that they were not hiding anything. We others thought this was stupid because when the people came for the celebration they would become aware that the owners were gone. The dream ended with me watching as the mechanism of the castle staff setting up for the coming celebration got underway and it was too late to stop, and I worried about how it would all play out.