Boy with a K

Date: 3/31/2018

By paola2511bl

At the beginning of the dream I walking to this classroom and this guy just got in my way and he told me he liked me and I was shook. So I go into my classroom and it’s a weird class but there’s a bunch of people I know and I the teacher was Ms. Feinman but they wanted to replace her and her replacement was a teacher who gave food out and sweatpants to some students too. When I was leaving class I finally looked at the guy who told me he liked me and he was really cute and he was like a lot taller than me (!!!) So he walked me to my next class and he like held my hand and my back and he let me lay my head on his shoulder:) He walked me to my next class it was ms Dailey and my Nonna was there taking the class with me I was confused but I didn’t pay attention to it Bc I was happy. Alexandra L wasn’t in that class tho but I still didn’t pay attention to it. Then Ms.Dailey put a video on and we had to answer some questions. The people there were the people in Ms.Kerkerian’s class (7th grade) just that instead of Kerkerian it was Dailey. After the questions Ms. Dailey gave me un pote de vegan mayo (wtf) and a bunch of peer counselors cane in with individual cakes my mom is selling (and I don’t remember if we ate them we just jumped to the next part of the dream) After I was walking alone to my next class and I heard ‘Patricio, Arthur all of u get in the pic’ so I turned around and I saw a bunch of guys taking a group picture I go speed walking to hug Arthur Bc he told me that the guy I had a thing with (The guy who’s name started with a K and I never really knew his name) wasn’t cute but I didn’t care cuz I knew he was. Before I got to Arthur the guy with a K came in-front of me but this time he was taller and skinnier and he wasn’t as cute I didn’t really pay attention to it Bc I HAD A THING WITH SMONE but as I was hugging him Arthur looked back and he didn’t smile or anything so I smiled and blew a kiss cuz I couldn’t hug him now and he just turned around and left. When I stopped hugging guy with a K I said Chau Bc he spoke Spanish and he kissed me like so randomly pero it was like a media luna kiss (half his mouth half mine) Bc I wasn’t prepared he said ‘ti amo’ and I was actually really SHOOK first that sounded portugués and second I didn’t even know if we were dating or we just had a thing. Then I saw Ale and she didn’t look herself she was wearing so much makeup but it didn’t look like it like she just had her whole face filled with concealer she even concealed her brows and also had foundation. The class for some reason was as big as the cafeteria. I told her I don’t know if I had a thing with smone or if we were actually dating and I told her I had had my first “kiss” for some reason she didn’t really care (she always listens to me and she wasn’t) then we went to sit down at a table and we passed by a fridge and I grabbed a triangle of ham and she gave me a “🙄” look when we sat down there were beer bottles and a pizza at the table. (Here I woke up) (every time I walked to my next class I was sorta confused Bc I never really knew who the guy with a k rlly looked like lmao)