Which Way To Perth?

Date: 5/9/2020

By Machman

I am with my woman, Anne, and we are walking through an area that looks the area under the Kingston Bridge in the Charing X area of Glasgow, next to the city centre (or the "the toon" as we call it here). We come to a set of waist height turnstiles (also called tripod turnstiles I have just found out, thanks Mr Google). Anne puts in some money and we go through. We are then walking over a bridge walkway and a sign ahead above reads "To Parametta" and underneath "New Zealand". I stop in my tracks. We don't want to go to New Zealand. I am not actually sure if that isn't the way we want to go. I see people up ahead, heading off into the distance and wonder if I should ask them where they are going just to be sure. Actually thinking about it now it was Anne who wanted to turn back and I wanted to go on. When I turn around there there are pathways and walkways behind me that weren't there before. There are people milling about and it becomes apparent to me that people getting lost at this part is a common occurrence. I walk down to one that looks like an outdoor shopping precinct from the 70s. I try to stop a tall woman who looks like she is a security guard. I try to ask her the way to Perth (the one in Australia not Scotland). I am now aware that I actually want to go somewhere else first (Alice Springs perhaps, can't remember) but Perth is the final destination. The woman is talking to someone through an earpiece and just ignores me. I bump into Anne again who is standing outside what looks like a hatchway for a fast food place for Indian food in an indoor food hall. Next to her is a guy, a tall man but dressed up like a woman and face painted up like Gene Simmons from Kiss or something. He is talking to two other people. He says, quite aggressively to one of the other guys "can I have that cheque now as I need it to pay...." can't remember what the rest of what he said but his intention was to buy some food. He needed this cheque to top up the cash he had on him to get some grub.