Date: 11/27/2017
By ThatTherianKid
For some reason, my school had a crazy extra credit opportunity; The students that want the extra credit would gather twice a week and play a VR version of The Elder Scrolls;Skyrim together. I was one of them, as well as my friends Annie and Elsa. There were also a few random guys, a girl named Ocee, and of course the NPCs. I got in there, wracked up levels, bought a horse, and then started painting a wall with my dad for some reason. My friend Brady came over, and told me that he had seen a band of vampires, if we want to do the vampire quest line. I shrugged, so we walked over. Halfway there, we were attacked by all kinds of wolves and dogs. Brady tried staying behind to fight them off, but with me being a sneaky dual handed bandit in light armour, I ran right past them. I met the band of vampires sitting around a fire. We just sat there quietly, awkwardly. Then, one of them bit me. I started convulsing, and became cold, feeling dead. I kept getting third person glimpses, and for some reason I looked like Mark Fischbach (aka Markiplier). Turns out the vampires weren't killers, they were a party group. We went to an outdoor disco thing, and I killed an old man who couldn't dance worth a damn by drinking his blood. Elsa (friend I mentioned earlier) had to drag me off the dance floor. it just kinda ended after that.