Scary Roommate, New Boy friend, and Church Friends

Date: 11/10/2019

By CalMehJuly

My friend who I think was my roommate would cut my skin when she has one of her mood swings or was bored. It didn't hurt but it was scary. I would see my meat and bones. But I would regenerate quickly . She said she had a crush on a guy. I had crush on a guy too. But I knew if we had the same crush on the same guy then I would be cut into a million pieces this time. I was chatting with HJJ my crush and soon to be boyfriend on my iPad (second dream below ) I asked her if her crush had the letter J in the beginning of their names. She said YES. I was shocked and scared. I liked both of them but HJJ more. I then asked her who she liked and THE DREAM ENDED OR I FORGOT OR SHE SAID SHE WASNT GOING TO TELL ME I saw my crush's phone number because he was one of the people in the group chat. I wanted to message him. I was on my phone and saw a group chat between classmates and I assume it was for a project. 2 boys and 2 girls (including me as 1 of the girls). I 1st messaged him on roblox (somehow i got his username) I said hi and he said who is this and unfriended me. Then I actually messaged him and we talked. We made each other laugh. Then he sent me a picture of HJ, his brother (CRUSH EQUALS HJJ) of when he was 16. I assume in my dream I was at least 16 or in collage or finished like around 16-22. Then I messaged him and he didn't reply back. After a while i got confused Was he mad or upset with me? Then i checked. It said something like Man Don't hang out with my daughter /me. My dad must've edited wat I said without me looking. I told my dad and. I could sense he want me to date. In the end he said fine you can date him. I told HJJ about it and he said oh its ok. Then we messaged each other as usual and he said can you go to the park or store with me right now. I really wanted to go but i knew my parents wouldn't let me (night time) (oh how I wish I knew it was a dream and said yes :() He was a very understanding and kind boy friend. We had a happy relationship :D I wish i knew more but the dream ended... My brother and his friends (a girl and this guy) wanted to walk around this city mall. I said I will wait for them by sitting in this church with my friends. They said ok. But when I checked to see a friend of mine, she was gone and the other was sitting with other people. I didn't have any friends in this church. I did not want to hang out with my brother and his friends because it would be awkward since I dont know they very well. The church was very round and the seats were curved and some rectangle. I even saw rectangle tables and benches I think (where my 2nd friend sat with her girl friends) . there was a room on the left where I sat with big doors that led to a circle room where all the old elders go. A round table with chairs surrounding it creating a circle. I sat with 2 little boys that are way younger then me. They laughed and talked and then my brother came. He sat right next to me. I didnt look at him. We didnt talk. We just sat together in silence...