the scary pool & the rapist

Date: 6/7/2019

By livtina

I had a dream that I was in a swimming class. There were so many people. It looked like there were thirty to forty kids there. If not that, there were at least 20. Outside of the pool, were a bunch of class desks, like regular desks you’d see in a class. Kayleigh and Riley were there. I was dropped off by my mother, aunt, and cousins. There was a guy who raped someone, apparently. I think he sexually assaulted someone. I was swimming nicely, I’d like to think. There was no competition, and the teachers weren’t even telling us what to do as much as I would think. I was going to go get Kayleigh’s cute pink flowery folder. It was white with pink flowers on it. I was going to get it, but her and I both saw that she already had it. This was near the end of class. It was late by then, or evening time. We were there for quite a while. We all had books and papers. There were certain papers or books or something that we were supposed to have. There was someone older than me who was helping me swim or helping me for something, but I forgot who. I think I got groped in the pool, though. People kept joking about the rape that happened, or the assault, and someone was like, “Rapey”. Kayleigh told them to stop. I think there were a lot of kids I knew there, and kids that I already knew in my dream. So, basically, I was familiar with all of them, and I’ve been attending swimming class for a very long time. I believe there was a boy I had a crush on who had light blonde hair. He looked handsome, slightly. The swimming class was huge. The ceiling was extremely high up. There might’ve been a quiz or test that I took there. There was also some sort of drama going on that involved the students. As far as our swimming, we didn’t do any complex styles. It was really just freestyle and doggy paddling. Some others were doing more complex styles, though. When I got out of class, I went to the car and we had to go up a steep hill thingy for some reason. Tamara, Tamaya, mom, auntie donna, and I were walking up a steep hill thing that was basically on the street. I think I told Tamara and Tamaya something that made them walk faster than me, and I said to them that it was fine and that that wasn’t what I meant, so they slowed down and kept walking by my side at a regular pace. I don’t remember anything more. .: translation :. ♥︎ Dreams about swimming can come in many different forms, but above all the dream is connected to our own emotions and the subconscious mind. Swimming has been a leisure activity since the Egyptian times, mainly as survival, appearing in our dreams when we are somewhat emotional. If you were swimming freestyle, breaststroke or even the dolphin kick in a dream of swimming indicates in my view, greater improvements emotionally. If the swimming pool is inside then this indicates that you may be hiding your feelings. If the water is blue and crystal clear then great times are ahead. If the water is crystal blue, then you are beginning to evaluate your life and work towards a better resolution to sort out your existing problems. ♥︎ The action of swimming in a dream shows that you are trying to overcome any problems in an effective way. Additionally, this dream signifies the potential of a successful life. If the water supported you in any way, for example, if you were paddling rather than swimming, then things will begin to improve over the next few months. ♥︎ In a nutshell, any dream that signifies water is an ancient and universal symbol of your spiritual connection and a signal of what is likely to come in the future. To dream of a swimming pool is normally a symbolic indication that over time you need to refresh and renew your inner thoughts. Many people dream of swimming pools when it is time to move back into a more enjoyable and pleasurable activity. It is important to understand this dream indicates that you need to reconnect with your subconscious mind. If in your dream you see yourself swimming strokes (breaststroke, front crawl etc), this represents an outstanding and very positive time ahead. When you dream that you are swimming this generally implies your inner emotions. Put simply, if you are facing problems you will be able to see the “light at the end of the tunnel.” ♥︎ Swimming in a pool (which is a common dream) indicates a fresh outlook in life. The pool is essentially artificial and denotes that others will focus on your emotions in life, but your emotions may not be real. I have touched on this above, swimming in a swimming pool indicates a new beginning but that things are likely to take shape in regards to your love life. The swimming pool can also imply that things will become clearer. This is because the water is so clear. In fact, it is crystal clear. This is the type of mindset you will follow going forward. If the swimming pool was large this can imply feelings about a certain matter connected to your relationships. Swimming towards someone in your dream could be a sign that, there are some goals in your life which you are desiring to achieve. ♥︎ Watching a swimming race is a positive dream. A dream where you watch while others swim could mean that there is some work which is overwhelming you. This is quite interesting as it denotes there is no rest time for you, but you have no option since you have deadlines to meet. Swimming with other people in your dream, such as a packed swimming pool, could be a sign that, you are surrounded by honest people. Those around you are always there, ready to assist in case you need them. Alternatively, the dream could be a warning that, you are not paying close attention to those around you and what they need. You could be having issues in your life which made you neglect others, the dream is a wake-up call to assisting other people. ♥︎ When you dream that you are swimming away from someone, maybe even escaping, it means that you have a desire to escape from some unpleasant situations happening in your life at the moment. As water means emotions it could simply mean you are trying to escape a stressful situation. ♥︎ Rape can appear in a range of guises in the dream. Any dream of sexual assault is connected to feeling vulnerable in waking life. There is a situation "out of control, " and it is time for you to move on in life. You may be facing situations that are proving difficult. Don't worry, with this comes the opportunity to correct things. To dream a friend is raped indicates that goals can truly demand our best efforts If we focus on ourselves. The dream can also be associated with an event of the past where we feel a lack of control. To dream of rape that is odd, or to have a dream that is highly weird or crazy is associated with control and the sense that you need to find approaches to difficulties. It can be rather disconcerting when you dream of being sexually attacked. This could mean being raped or alternatively being touched in an inappropriate manner during the dream. On the whole, this is associated with your own inner confidence. It can indicate that you are being controlled by somebody in the dream. If you are being touched sexually in a dream then this can signify that you need to take a break and consider whether you actually invest any more of your time and effort into your projects. Nine times out of ten it means that you feel violated by somebody. It may also represent an aspect of yourself learning to recognize when you control and when you don’t. ♥︎ Spiritually and psychologically analysis of rape in dreams point to the fact this dream is telling you to listen to your inner voice. This dream is about feeling out of control in waking life. You may find there is an insane amount of information that I have written below. This is for good reason. Embrace this dream, spend some time interpreting every aspect and draw your own conclusion on what your soul needs to heal and not feel powerless in daily life. This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life… Feeling taken advantage of. May signify feeling broken, taken advantage of or mistreated. May signify feeling it's time to set any boundaries. Having no power or control in your life. Being concerned about your family or loved ones. Letting go. ♥︎ A dream of a desk is indicative of a position you will attain. The desk symbolizes the great career or job you will get. To see or sit at your desk in your dream suggests that you are evaluating and weighing your problems. It is indicative of self-exploration and discovery. To dream that you are doing homework symbolizes the lessons that have learned or are learning. Pay attention to the assignment in your dream and figure out how it can be applied to your waking life. Alternatively, the dream represents your anxieties about your ability and performance. If you have a homework assignment that is due in real life, then the dream may just be your preoccupation and worry over the assignment. To dream that you are in a place of learning represents your success and your rise to distinction. To dream that you are listening to a lecture indicates that you need to do some research and weigh out your options before making a decision on some matter. To see a notebook or notepad in your dream represents things that you need to keep track of and stay on top of. It may indicate emotions and issues that you have overlooked in your waking hours. Consider the contents of the notebook. ♥︎ To dream that you are popular signifies your desires to be liked and recognized. You want others to look up to you. Alternatively, the dream represents your insecurities. You are looking for some reaffirmation, encouragement and approval from others. ♥︎ To dream that you are in school signifies feelings of inadequacy and childhood insecurities that have never been resolved. It may relate to anxieties about your performance and abilities. If you are still in school and dream about school, then the dream may just be a reflection of your daily life and has no special significance. Alternatively, a dream that takes place in school may be a metaphor for the lessons that you are learning from your waking life. You may be going through a "spiritual learning" experience. To dream that you are a student indicates that you need better understanding of something. There is some learning you need to do in order to get ahead in life. If you are a student in real life, then the dream may just be a reflection of who you are and bear no significance. To see your teacher (past or present) in your dream suggests that you are seeking some advice, guidance, or knowledge. You are heading into a new path in life and are ready to learn by example or from a past experience. Consider your own personal experiences with that particular teacher. What subject was taught? Alternatively, a teacher relates to issues with authority and seeking approval. You may be going through a situation in your waking life where you feel that you are being treated like a student or in which you feel you are being put to a test. Also pay attention to the demeanor and attitude of the teacher in your dream. To dream that you are taking a test indicates that you are being put to the test or being scrutinized in some way. This dream may be a "practice exercise" for you to visualize success in your real life. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on "feeling testy" and irritated. A bully featured in your dream represents hidden aspects of your character, reflecting specific ideas and your feelings. It is likely that there is going to be a task which is giving to you and you will find it difficult to agree with others in regards to the execution. ♥︎ Some believe that crush dreams contain the spiritual message of unmet needs. In other words, the person you are dreaming about symbolizes something missing from your life that needs attention. Friends in dreams usually signify our friends in real life, but they might also signify some aspects of our personality. Friends in a dream might symbolize some fears and worries about a friend. Sometimes such a dream might reveal some qualities your friend has and you would like to possess also. Usually these dreams are a very good sign. Sometimes these dreams indicate grief or sadness you are currently experiencing about something. Sometimes a dream about a friend might indicate being angry about some situation in your life. Sometimes they might indicate distancing from a friend and the need to spend more time together. This dream might also indicate some pleasant moments in the company of your friends soon. If you dream about your friends often, maybe such a dream signifies the need to establish better connections with people from your surroundings. Dreams about friends often indicate visits. If you saw one of your friends in a dream, such a dream might indicate meeting soon with this person, because he or she might need your help or advice about something. If you saw an old friend in a dream, such a dream might indicate reuniting with some old friends in the near future. If you dreamed about a friend in a good mood, that might be a sign of receiving some good news soon. If you dreamed about having a really good time, hanging around with friends, such a dream maybe foretells receiving some good news in the near future. If you dreamed about a friend you haven’t seen in a while, such a dream maybe signifies this person needs your help. ♥︎ To dream of a hill represents an obstacle in your life. A struggle to achieve a goal. The steepness of hill reflects how big the challenge is that you're facing. To dream of moving uphill represents your attempt to work against an obstacle. Feeling the difficulty of a situation or that something is getting harder. Feeling that a problem is too much for you. You may also be experiencing an enormous challenge or lots of pressure to meet a deadline. Fighting against the odds. To dream of a steep hill represents feelings about an obstacle in your life being particularly difficult. A challenge which requires you to try your hardest or be stubborn to overcome it. Feelings about needing to push yourself hard to achieve your goals. Negatively, a steep hill may reflect feelings about how an obstacle is demanding too much from you. Feeling it's too much work to overcome a challenge that other people may not think is difficult. Family members in a dream can mean many different things. They may simply be themselves and the dream may be dealing with some aspect of your family life or your relationship with these family members. When you dream of your parents, siblings and cousins, etc., ask yourself what trait or characteristic comes to mind when you think about them – they may be representing this aspect of yourself or be telling you that you need to incorporate this aspect into yourself. It’s not unusual to have dreams about your family when you are anticipating seeing them, after a recent visit and around holidays, birthdays and anniversaries. “Family” may also be a pun on “familial” or “familiar” and the dream is pointing out something that you should be familiar or comfortable with. .: end of translation :.