Date: 4/16/2020
By TheRealBS
So I was driving a motorcycle home after work on miner and I saw a cop but thought it was just a decoy because of this whole corona thing. So I drove past him and I was going 10 mph over the speed limit, I saw the lights turn on and pull up behind me but I didn’t really care. I pulled over and he walks up to me but he’s Paul blart (the mall cop) and asks for my license and registration. I give them to him and then he seems shocked as he looks towards me and pulls his gun out, I put my hands in the air and he says not you dummy, as I look around I see a alligator walk out of a little tunnel and starts to chase the cop. I jump off my bike and for some reason get into the driver seat of the cop car and he gets into the passenger seat. He laughs and asks me if I’ve ever driven a cop car and I laugh and say yes (in real life I valet a cop car for a wedding once) I turn around and park where he was and he hands me a paper and it says get out of jail free, I think it’s a joke but apparently it was real then he thanked me and left.