Digital art 4k scene from a movie: An otherworldly creature with long gray hair challenges a person to prove they are a furry in order to enter a mysterious mirror realm.

Stupid ass furry and demon thing

Date: 2/19/2019

By PandaPuff

My mom and I were at her friends house and I saw this bleeding baby deer and I brought it in and her friend somehow helped it. Next part of my dream, Lexi, Alexis, and I skipped school to go to Walmart. When we got there, we all split up getting different things. I went to get orange juice and I saw it had fish in it (which actually it does) so I looked for a vegan option. I finally found one. I threw it in the cart and we continued shopping. After we were done we headed back. In a split second, Lexi and I were in my grandmas car and my grandma was driving. Alexis walked to school, grabbed her bike, and rode up. I was like,"Poor Alexis has to bike home in the rain." We got to my step-grandparents house, but for some reason it was like Lexi's mom's house. I told Lexi that I got vegan orange juice and she said she knew and that she was mad because it tasted like water. I said,"Yeah some of the reviews were bad, but some good." Her mom walked into the kitchen and talked about how a girl was coming over here and that we should be nice to her and make friends with her. Apparently the only friends she has are her older brothers. Lexi and I walked into the bathroom when we heard a car door slam and looked out the window to see what looked like the girl skipping happily to the door. We gave each other an 'oh no' look and came out. When we greeted her, we all went into the bathroom again. (No idea why we kept going to the bathroom to hang out). Lexi talked to her and I was just like uhhh and hung back. The girl was talking about some kind of demon thing(?) and suddenly they were both gone. I stood up to see this man (pretty) with long gray hair. He looked like a dude in a webtoon I read. I demanded he return Lexi, but he just said no. I was like,"Fine, then send me into the mirror to go get her." He said,"furries only" and I almost died laughing. Lexi's not even a furry. That girl wanted to trap Lexi with her forever so she could have a friend all to herself. I said,"Oh, I'm a furry!" (Not really, I hate furries) and got on the floor and pretended to be a dog lmaooo. It seemed like he was kind of convinced, but still wouldn't let me through because I had no proof I had a fursuit. I ran out of options and decided to try to seduce him into sending me into the mirror?? I stripped my clothes off and he seemed to be enjoying it. In return, he also took his off. I was like NO am I really gonna do this to get Lexi back? Anyways, to make it even more convincing I placed a fake vibrator (god why kill me) between my legs that only made the sound and was like,"See? I'm serious about this." (Dumb af) And that sealed the deal with him and he believed me (kill me, just kill me. I hate dream me.) I was going to get Lexi back. Someone told my familiar (why tf did I have a familiar) about the long gray-haired demon and he suddenly came busting into the bathroom, in human form, and dragged me away still half naked. Then I woke up. Lol sorry Lexi I never got to save you.

AI generated interpretation This dream is a complex and vivid portrayal of various themes and emotions that may be present in your subconscious mind. Let's break down the different elements of the dream and analyze their potential meanings: 1. Baby deer and bleeding: The presence of a bleeding baby deer in the dream may represent vulnerability, innocence, and fragility. It could symbolize a situation in your life where you feel helpless or in need of nurturing and care. 2. Skipping school to go to Walmart: Skipping school in the dream may reflect a desire for rebellion or a need to break free from routine and responsibilities. Walmart could symbolize mundane tasks or errands in your waking life. 3. Vegan orange juice and fish: The vegan orange juice in the dream may signify your values or beliefs regarding health and ethics. The presence of fish in the juice could represent a sense of contamination or impurity in something you initially thought was pure. 4. Demon and furry encounter: The appearance of the demon and furry characters in the dream could represent internal conflicts, fears, or desires within yourself. The struggle to rescue Lexi from the demon may reflect a protective instinct or a need to save someone close to you from harm. 5. Seduction and nudity: The act of seducing the demon by stripping naked in the dream may signify a willingness to go to extreme lengths or compromise your values to achieve a goal or overcome an obstacle. It could also suggest a fear of vulnerability or exposure in a certain situation. 6. Familiar and rescue attempt: The presence of a familiar in the dream may symbolize a sense of protection or guidance from an external source. The failed rescue attempt of Lexi by your familiar could reflect feelings of powerlessness or frustration in a real-life situation where you are unable to intervene or help someone in need. Overall, this dream may reflect a mixture of emotions such as vulnerability, rebellion, conflict, protection, and struggle. It could indicate underlying fears, desires, or unresolved issues that are playing out in your subconscious mind. Exploring these themes further through introspection or therapy may provide insight into your current thoughts and feelings.