A Couple Short Dreams

Date: 1/8/2017

By ShadowOwl

In the first I was at my grandfather's. He had a security system robot that whenever you walked by, you had to wear a particular mask. It wasn't that big of a hassle but then he changed it to another smaller, creepier robot. It was located outside the upstairs bathroom, which it was facing. I was in there with the door shut when I heard a loud beep. My mom yelled at me that it was the robot and I had to deactivate it. It worked the same as the old one, I had to put on a mask or else it wouldn't recognize me and kill me. I grabbed the mask, which was behind the door, and opened the door to see the robot almost to the door. It saw my legs and looked up and scanned my mask. Once it did, it went back to it's original spot and sat down. I did not like this new robot. It was small, as it only came up to my knees and it looked like a doll. My mom came and explained that this new security system goes off on a timer every five minutes. I bring up the problem about how it will go off at night and kill us all in our sleep. She didn't say anything and went downstairs. I looked at the robot and decided I would stay up all night to deactivate it. I was only staying there one more night. But then I thought of my grandfather and how he couldn't deactivate it at night. I got on the computer to see if there was a way to keep it deactivated. Instead of pulling up the Internet, some crudely drawn pictures came up. Most of them were of a guy but a few were of a teddy bear. I saw that under the pictures of the guy was the name Peter. I deleted all the pictures and went back to the doll. I picked it up and went downstairs to the kitchen where everyone was. I put the doll down as I started to explain why my grandfather needed to get rid of it when it beeped and started to stand up. I put on the mask but the robot wasn't scanning it correctly. I took it off and just held the mask in front of it. It scanned the mask but it also scanned the faces of everyone in the kitchen. Now that it knew we were there, it was going to target it us. I woke up before I could do anything. In the next dream, I was back on campus waiting for everyone else to come back. I saw my friend drive up and I waved her down once she got out of her car. I started to tell her about what I apparently did over break. I was on a train that was run my mythical creatures. Everyone on the train had the chance to be eaten by the creatures except for the mortal they chose to be conductor. I was the one chosen. I woke up then. In the final dream, I was at my other grandparent's house. I had just gone outside when I heard someone talking on the other side of the fence. I walked around to look. It was a man and a dog. The man was covering up a large whole while narrating it like he was on a cooking show. I interrupted him when I heard he was covering up a body. I said I must have misunderstood him. He said I must have and then we talked about how since his dog was alive and in good health I had to be mistaken that he was a killer. During this conversation, he had been walking towards me. When he got close to me, he suddenly grabbed my wrist. I, in turn, twisted my wrist to the point where it hurt his. He continued to try to attack me and although I kept hurting him, it was doing nothing to stop him. Suddenly he ran into my grandparent's house. I thought I was safe until I remembered my two dogs were in there. The setting suddenly switched to my house as I heard my dogs start whimpering. I ran into my house and back to the back bedroom where I heard them. They were on the bed, unharmed, while the man's dog stood on the floor. I ran and grabbed them both and started to run to the front door. The man stepped out in front of me and I purposely ran into him and knocked him over. Once I was outside, I put my dogs down and realized it was a dream. I forgot all about the man and my dogs and went to my street. I tried calling a horse to ride, which eventually worked. The horse was blonde and named Eggnog. But then my friend was there and the horse went over to her. We both continued walking until I saw some really colorful birds. I called one of them down and it landed on my arm. I named her Floof. I also got a lizard I named Razzle. Suddenly I was competing in some boat race. I was in a building with my team and two new pets. We were competing against two other teams to get to Disney first. Of the three others who were on my team, one woman was nervous. I assured her that I was wouldn't get us lost since I was was the navigator. I also assured her nothing bad was going to happen, since I got visions when something bad was going to happen. Since I had gotten no visions, I knew we'd be fine. We went out to our boat and started the race. It was a very small sail boat. We talked about what our strategy was going to be if we saw another boat, which was turn in the opposite direction so they wouldn't see us. After some sailing, I spotted the Disney castle. We were at full speed and I thought we were in first until I saw a large paddle boat in front of us. We quickly gained and I told Floof to fly around them as a distraction. It worked since the other boat was looking at Floof, we won. Our team got our picture taken and all of us, including the people on the other boats, got to spend a day and a half at Disney. We would be sleeping in tents but I didn't mind. I woke up then.