left my bf behind for another man (pls read, need advice)

Date: 10/7/2020

By JernsDreams

this dream is causing me a lot of confusion. a little backstory is i am currently in a serious with my bf. we have talked about marriage and our life together. about 1.5 years ago i had feelings for someone that moving across the country. we will call him J. we hung out (and hooked up) before he left since he also had feelings for me. so the dream in my dream J was leaving for a trip to brazil (where he’s from) to see family. he was getting on this small aircraft and invited me to clime aboard just to say hello. my bf came in and was worried i was leaving and i said i wasn’t. J sais “for us to leave this button would have to be pushed” (the button was on the wall outside the aircraft). he reaches up and says “this one but i won’t push it” and pushes it anyway. he hops back in as the engine starts. my bf immediately starts freaking out and said not to go with him. then he trusted me and let me go. he kissed me before i went. on our travel there J kissed me passionately. in the dream i had a real flashback to us driving around when we kissed in his car. and i thought “it’s him, it’s always been him.” we acted like a couple on the flight. i then started to feel bad as i had a bf that i left at home who kissed me and told me loves me before i went. i woke up soon after. this morning i received a snapchat from that same guy. (nothing inviting, just a picture of the book he was reading) i thought this was strangely timed. in previous dreams when a guy has tried to kiss me i became aware of it. i refused cause i didn’t want to cheat on my bf not even in a dream. i don’t doubt my feelings for my bf but this dream has made me wonder if it was merely just a dream or if it means i have feelings i didn’t know about. especially with me thinking “it’s him, it’s always been him” right after i kissed J. that is a very bold statement. i would appreciate any comments to help interpret what this means and any advice if someone has experiences something similar.