The End... but Not The End?

Date: 1/29/2017

By planetlainy

had a dream it was the end of the world, but it was slowly happening. it started in NJ. everyone was packing up. got separated from family. boyfriend and i were in bed together. forgot who his family was. he Tempted me to eat a chicken nugget (i'm going vegitarian). then i went to be little spoon and he was like "haha aw i knew you would do that. you always do." Then we all went to different rooms. he went to this one office and this police was coming in with a gun and he tried to calm him down but it didn't work. then my dog was running around and i was upset i couldn't save him. i started to freak and started packing things i needed. my family was all gone. i grabbed a ride with these two random guys and then we stopped at this weird hotel hostel type thing. there was so much traffic and chaos going on. I begin to cry in the car and i ask for someone to drive. this really short girl comes over and then this prostitute looking person comes. i choose the midget one to drive but then i say no i can do it. finally i see my mom in my neighbors car an she pulled over and my dad comes out of the hostile and was like "the ad sent me to this hotel in queens!" and then we are packing bags into his car. We are then home. everything is okay. my mom is reading a book. there are 3 tobi's (my dog) running around. my dad is on the couch. my brother was complaining about his school lunch. everything seemed like back to normal. i still didn't know where my friends or boyfriend was though and i was worried sick. dream lasted maybe an hour or two. dream said the end would happen sometime in february.