Date: 12/17/2022
By Ether_Erebus
This is like halfway into the dream - I’m walking on the street in the afternoon with my brother. We’re about to cross the street and immediately, a lady in a black Toyota zooms past us and into a driveway on that street, nearly hitting my brother and I. I flip her the bird (I literally can’t tell you the last time I’ve done this in real life) and she gets out of the car and walks towards me. I literally ask if she’s a fucking idiot and realize she’s screaming at me. I take a deep breath and apologize for calling her names and speak in a calmer tone, telling her she almost just committed a hit and run and could have paralyzed me. She looks at me with no remorse and says “you should have been looking where you were walking”. I just get mad and walk away. As I’m walking away, I end up walking towards Lougheed and somehow, the area from batsman park is like this really old looking building with like many restorations done. It looks like an old Victorian house but with so many new windows and restorations making it like a mix between newer architecture and old one. For some reason, we get to this one door and we knock (me, my brother, my sister, my mom and a few others) and this dude dressed in like old timer clothes (he’s relatively young like early 20s) and he opens this little door. I tell him “oh you must be mistaken to think I would fit through that, that’s simply a door for cats!” And he just laughs and opens the other larger door to the right. When he does this my mind goes absolutely haywire because he’s literally standing in essentially a place where there should be stairs leading down to the bottom floor, BUT THERE ARE NO STAIRS! He’s literally perched on the studs around the shape of the square walls. I see the way to go down is to essentially walk down holding this half ladder looking thing. I just say “nope, not doing that” as my brother easily climbed down. I look around and above us to the left is an opening window that looks like a kitchen, my sister ends up going up and saying there were stairs through there so I run around the corner to get there. As I pass through the threshold, I see a slope going up to the kitchen. It is deserted and no one is there, and it’s very bright. I look to the left where the window was and there’s this entire wall what looks to be made of windows. But, that area is SUPER dark. Like no lights, nothing. I open the part of the wall that serves as a door and walk through. I just remember also there was someone after us. Idk why but there was and he was in the super dark corner saying “I finally found you; there’s no place to escape”. I just looked into the darkness unimpressed and I realized my mouth felt weird. I looked back and saw a bucket and instinctively grabbed it and started putting my hand to my mouth. For some reason, I pulled out smashed avocados and my teeth from my mouth. It kept happening and my teeth were falling out. The dude came out of the shadows looking kind of worried and saying “do you know what that happens?” And for some reason, my immediate first answer was “it’s because of guilt; I feel remorse for something and it’s manifesting like this” and I knew I was in a dream. Then I woke up😂