Hanging out with my Siblings & Finding The Treasure Chest Full of Hypnotically Beautiful Golden Coins

Date: 7/3/2018

By fluffytree

I found myself hanging out with my 2 siblings and some of their friends. Me and my sister had traveled a few hours to visit my brother in the city he lives in now and somehow we ended up going to the mall where we ordered food and went shopping for stuff. My brother and sister's birthday is coming up (they are twins) and I've been wondering how to pay for my sister's gift that she asked for months ago. It's some really expensive health drinks that are literally hundreds of dollars for a case of 12. I figured I'd buy a small one for cheaper and get my brother to help with half. So I was about to talk to him in the dream about this when my sister shows up holding a big heavy harp that she wants to buy for her 2 year old son. It looks cool but it's likely really pricey. She says it isn't but then I spot the price tag on it at $499 and she immediately puts it back lol. From there we ended up underground in some familiar cave system I swear I've visited in another dream before and this place is quite vast as well as being partially under the sea as well. But because of the difference in air pressure the water flowing in only went up to a certain level and wasn't completely submerged. We were here to hunt for treasure. I don't remember anyone telling me this, I simply knew. Along with us were not only my siblings' friends but a group of kids too. We got to the end of the path where it met the water and saw a skeleton in an old tattered pirate's outfit sitting against the wall decorated with lots of jewelry and gold. I didn't feel good about taking any treasure from a dead body so I left it alone while the kids pillaged it clean. I did spot a small treasure chest in the water below where I jumped in and grabbed it. The water barely came up to my waist so it wasn't too bad. When I climbed back up and opened it it was filled with the most beautiful shiny pure gold coins I've ever seen. Kids swarmed me to try to take it for themselves but it was my treasure. I felt bad though as they looked at me sadly and figured I didnt need or want all these coins anyway, so I took a handful of 6 out and gave the rest away. This alone should be enough to put a big dent in my student loan debt at least. I stood there afterwards just admiring the beauty of these coins though. They had images and writing on it I couldn't understand, so I figured they must be really old. I flipped them between my fingers noticing every detail and tiny specks of golden dust came off the coins as I did so. It was mesmerizing to watch... The dream jumped ahead in time and we were driving back home along with my siblings and their friends, but first we decided to go through some small forested land that looked like something out of a fantasy or a game. There were a few tree houses in these tall thick trees and strange monuments of stone that were around. I had a feeling not only had I been here before, but that I created this place with my hands and mind a long time ago. It was beautiful though and we watched a wooden plane take off from somewhere nearby off into the sky to some unknown dreamland I suppose. I woke up shortly after this.