Date: 7/28/2019
By AirBender
I'm at Michael's house and we are casually talking about this advanced alien being that has the ability to change our memories, increase senses, and give us information instantly. We were having this conversation at his house, but similar to flashback memory like in the movies, a scene is being played out. We were taking an aircraft to outer space, and it segmented off, just like the NASA rockets do. Then something strange happens, me and Michael are just walking in outer space, just continuing to have a casual talk. It kind of felt like our consciousness's were in 2 different places, at his house and in outer space, but our physical bodies were still at his house, although it felt like we were using most of our abilities in this outer space consciousness. We are continuing our talk, but now are 100% back at Michael's home. I ask Michael if he asked the alien to do something, Michael replied that he knew the alien did it as soon as he thought it (I believe he helped to rewire his brain in some way) The next thing I remember is being in a car and it's raining outside, I'm also holding and petting a dog, but I am REALLY feeling every hair and it felt very strange on my hand. I remember looking at my hand being blown away. In the distance I am looking at this big black rock. I was watching the way the rain was falling on it, and the patterns that it was making on the rock face. I could REALLY see the matrix of it all.