Too long of a lucid, lost awareness towards the end: half sister

Date: 9/19/2020

By lazylucid

Right after the previous lucid dream with the brass pen, I continued to lay in my bed unmoving. I fall back to sleep consciously. I lay there wondering if I fell back to sleep OR if I only thought I fell back to sleep but I was dreaming the entire time. Doesn't matter. I get up. I'm in my normal room. Suddenly the lights go out. In the hallway *lights off* my room *ceiling light shuts off* and then another light shuts off. I begin to become nervous. I remind myself that this is my dream. All of the darkness in the room starts to accumulate in the corner by my window. Before it can even begin or finish becoming a "dark entity" I grab it and surround my first with light. It cowers and becomes a tiny animal I've never seen before. I let it scamper away; I'm no longer afraid. I open the door to my room that leads into my hallway which is supposed to be a thin hallway, instead it's a wide open area. I start rubbing my hands together to prolong the dream. I'm thinking it's a mistake to prolong it because it feels like it might be a long one; the longer they are the harder they are to remember. I then mentally call for a intelligent being to converse with. The air shimmers around me and then my backyard transforms into a beautiful patio where two people and a dog are waiting for me. *THIS IS WHERE I START TO LOSE LUCIDITY* I walk into the backyard and the dog - a husky with one black pupil and one blue- comes up to me and licks my hand. I sit down at this long table and then people come and sit at the other chairs. It's a family gathering. I never got the chance to speak to the two people (a man and a woman who were waiting patiently for me) that were sitting down. I think they continued to watch me as I lost lucidity. A beautiful woman sat to the right of me and told me something about "our" father as she caressed my thigh. I get the feeling she did something sexually to me telepathically because I immediately became aroused and she knew it. She then began to massage my (you know). I wanted to stop her. She had just said that we were siblings, yet I couldn't bring myself to stop her and she knew it. I think she said something about our father breaking up the business. She then gets on her phone still with one hand between my legs and tells whomever she's on the phone with just how bad a businessman our father is. Suddenly she's not so pretty to me anymore. Her face looks like she's had plastic surgery, if only slightly. She looks like she receives lip injections. Her cheekbones aren't too bad. She's wearing an A symmetrical cut with black hair. Her dress is black. That's all I remember.