Date: 4/15/2020
By Succ
I'm in Sweden at my grandparents house and my family says that someones building a restaraunt right next to the house. I'm dissapointed because it'll be loud at night. I check out the restauraunt and it's a huge Irish pub. I'm outside the side of the building between the house and the restaurant and there's many doors. Somehow the alley turns into a train and some old friends from soccer. Liam, Roberto (I called him Alejandro), Ian, Jimmy. For some reason Im in my underwear by my clothes are on the floor so I pick them up and put them on. Then I'm on the train and I miss the stop and now we're in on the train in some south American country and I try to talk to a soldier but he's speaking something that's not Spanish or English. Alejandro is there and we have a brief case with hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in it. I talk to Alejandro and we decide to get off the train in some south american city so we can catch a train going the other way. We are waiting on the sidewalk and im paranoid people are going to steal the briefcase. The other train comes and we get on and sit down in the back. I talk to alejandro about the money. I say we are going to split it but he has to act natural and cool so as to not draw suspicion. He tells me to call him Arnold instead of Alejandro. We get to a massive security government building at I thought was a country border. We get off and go inside. There are bank tellers there so I go up and say I want to deposit the money. It's a check. Then a big black security guard looking guy comes up and assists me with the check because its such a large amount of money. He says that if we split it we both get $24,000 and I was very disappointed because I thought it was way more money but then i point out that the number is more than $2,000,000 and he is surprised and realized his mistake. He then writes the number up on a little whiteboard board like it's one of the highest deposits or something. The bank teller says something about that the money is traceable and that alejandro is gonna blow our cover or something. Alejandro is acting really weird and unstable so I swear to him that im going to deposit it all into my account and I'll give him half later. The End.