Date: 5/17/2020
By Cyan5756
I had this dream a few night back, didn’t know when. I was a male. Enjoy. I was in a giant building on a man-made island made by North Korea located between North Korea and the USA. Right in the middle of the ocean. I was a student in the building. It was a fort where people who tested negative for the virus go to. Apparently, I had the virus but somehow got through and I have to keep it a secret. I had some skills as a sculptor and made statues of this man in a mushroom hat who later on start a new religion. No matter what you’ve done, if you write it all in a book, you will be spared from the virus. Of course people will believe it and do it but they are also being threatened. If they are unhappy, the mushroom head will expose their secrets. While all this was going on downstairs, I was in a classroom miserably lost on the lesson. Later I get pulled aside by a random dude who used a secret hallway and told me he knew about the virus in my body. He has also gathered other people who had the virus and got through. Together my new friends got taught by this man privately and learned that we have some sort of powers because of the virus. A few months later, the mushroom head pissed off enough people that everyone rebelled and the leader of the country just watched as the man got beaten. Fast forward and a terrible storm struck and everyone have to evacuate. Problem is, we are in the middle of the ocean. Me and my friends jumped out of the building and rescued the animals since everyone was gone. Then I saw a lady at the top and hurried her to jump. She did after some time and I carried her on my back as I swan to America. Apparently I realized she also has the virus and is able to transform into an animal so she did out of panic. Problem? She has claws and scratched my back and it bled but I continue to swim, wondering what animal she is. After we arrive in America, I looked and saw that she was a tiger. No wonder I can still feel the pain. The scratches on my back was healing very fast. I thought back and wondered how I was able to swim all the way across without knowing my power since all my friends used their powers. And that’s when it hit me. I am able to do anything I set my mind to. Want to swim to America? No problem. Want scratches to stop hurting? My body will heal faster. Then I was suddenly in New York where one of my friend who did not have powers and did not go to North Korea. Apparently the tiger was her mom. The end. Bravo to my dad waking me up.