Superhero meteor

Date: 8/25/2021

By juliaaramini

In my dream I was a child, and also a superhero. It was a dc or marvel-like situation where there was a whole group of superheroes and I was the youngest, being a child. I don’t know what my powers were. A mysterious meteor had landed on earth, and what was inside of it was very important for some reason, important enough to have a whole press conference about it. Me and other superheroes were asked to come to protect it and also to carry it, as it was incredibly heavy. I and the others all agreed to come. The podium was set about 20 feet into the air with stairs leading up to it, and for some reason we had to carry the meteor up the stairs during the press conference. So as the person was speaking into the microphone, different superheroes carried the meteor up a few stairs, dropped it, and the next person picked it up and so on, until it got to me at the top of the stairs. I picked it up, and carried it the last few feet to the edge of the podium. I dropped it, and it cracked, then split open. I don’t remember what was inside it, but it must have been bad. The sky immediately went dark and sirens started blaring. I think aliens must have been after it. People started running and chaos broke out. The superheroes grabbed the meteor parts and me to protect us and started running. Then I woke up