Attack of the Hostile Space Plants

Date: 6/26/2018

By savamey

So basically I decide to watch/am in that voltron series and I’m on a spaceship part of a starfleet-like thingy as a medical officer and the ship’s job is to defend against these weird hostile sentient space plant thingies that spread killer seeds and one day everyone in the ship is distracted by something but I see a lot of the Space seed things coming and I warn the ship. Because we’re caught off guard, we don’t have our weapons, and the seeds do a lot of damage. I have a medical gun thing that can shoot anti-seed bombs as well as heal and shoot with a laser that I try to get the seeds with, but I end up falling out of the spaceship and being injured by the void of space as well as the seeds. I’m dragged back in, barely alive, but Dr. Beverly Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation sits on me, somehow keeping me alive. I barely survive, and we crash-land on an alien planet On the planet, which is a lot like earth, we are split up into groups due to unforeseeable events. I’m in the group with a lot of guys and a few girls. We build a boat and sail it in the ocean to a large city on the coast, said to be Boston or Detroit. There, my group disembarks and eats at a restaurant. However, there aren’t enough menus for everyone and I don’t know what to order