Final fantasy 15

Date: 5/12/2017

By tiptipkitten

I was in final fantasy 15 but I don't remember much of the beginning except for I think I was in minecraft, I fought a bunch of things, I was half blind and I think I stoped doomsday. Anyway I got lost from the group I was in and I had to stumble blindly through a sandy area. Every now and then I opened my eyes and all I saw was foggy sand. Eventually I heard a female voice and I yelled "I can't see" and the voice responded with "follow my voice" i quickly went to the voice and hung on to the girl for dear life. She walked me to a restaurant and once I was in I could open my eyes. The girl who was holding me was a character from final fantasy 15 i call her the car girl or fan service girl cause she wares little clothes. Any she told me something about how amazing it was that I got through fog desert with seeing or running into any monsters. Some more things happened that I don't remember and I woke up.