Digital art, A young girl named Cholo struggles to navigate a lunch line where she must balance holding onto a bar and scooping food to avoid falling into a deep chasm, while other kids effortlessly go around it, leading to an incident that disrupts the normal flow of traffic, and later finds herself cleaning out her locker on the last day of school.


Date: 11/20/2023

By drmr

I was a little girl and everyone in my family was calling me cholo. But behind my back. To go through the lunch line, I had to hold onto a bar and scoop the food in myself, and the last part of the line was a deep chasm that you could fall down if you didn't hold onto the bar and scoop the food properly at the same time.. like rock climbing. All the other kids were used to it and went around it. The chasm was small but deep and the surrounding area could've easily been designed to go around it but the sports field took up too much room. I tried to go to the other side through the sports field and got into trouble for disrupting the normal flow of traffic. Scene changed and it's the last day of school and everyone is cleaning their lockers out