Bearing Arms

Date: 4/23/2023

By christamorse

Me, my Uncle, and my friend were on Facetime together and I started to hear someone in my house. I get up to look and it’s my Uncle, the one I was on Facetime with. I was confused and asked him what he was doing there. He took me outside and told me to scare them away. I was confused on who them was until I saw what he was talking about. There was a bunny and a frog, but then around the corner from them I saw a bear. The bear started charging at us, so me and my Uncle ran as fast as we could and climbed the fence to my backyard and jump over it. As I was jumping and in mid air, I thought to myself “Wait, bears can jump too.” And as soon as we landed. the bear tried to maul my arm and he ended up bitting into my arm. I grabbed onto the back of the bears neck to prevent him from doing anything else. Eventually, a cop pulled up and I waved her down. My dream cuts to where I’m in the back of the police car and they gave me a rabies shot. The cop goes over the procedure of where they’ll test me for rabies and that the result should be back in 10 hours. My dad for some reason is the one driving the cop car, and the officer is in the passenger side while I’m in the back.