Date: 5/28/2019
By emzilla
Fire balls raining down Started slow In old apartment but it was new and larger Allen and mom there But earlier I was a dude with a wife in a corporate building She was trying to get files, had to pull her away from wall when fireball came in Then I jumped into other characters, prostitutes? I was a girl and was with a friend trying to get by, nice hotel. Fireballs started to happen. Then jumped into myself in old apartment. I was packing furiously. Holding chicha. I saw other cats and was trying to pack and save them, medicine, food, etc Mom was just packing/cooking in the kitchen, quick but not panicking I kept looking at the windows when the next fire ball came in Oh, backtrack to earliest in dream. We were on the field, on a watch tower and that’s when the first fireball started. Like a secret base? Four wooden watch towers and a pole in between all four. Partner saved in last minute, ran down and away when first fireball hit. When ran into the building and had my first character jump with the man and his wife. Fast forward. I couldn’t find the tuxedo kitten anymore, grabbed around 6-8 more. Chose a purple backpack. Fireball came into our patio and living room but didn’t explode. We were going outside, saw Mexican neighbor coming with her husband leaving. Saw airplanes gettin hit by fireball. People running outside. Outside looked urban/surburb instead of my childhood neighborhood. Couldn’t choose which boots I wanted to wear. Kept thinking ahead about which boots I needed and how many cats I couldn’t save. Meowing in background. Mom poured sauce in food, I yelled because it was inappropriate time. It was as if I was the only one panicking, running around frantically, the only one watching for fireballs. I think there was third person. I jumped between four characters in the same fireball situation. Secret base. Man and his wife (same base?). Prostitute or someone hooking up. And myself. Not lucid. First time dreaming it. Flash back all to the beginning. I was shooting film on medium format an actress on set of a movie? It was break time. I liked it. Think it was j Lo?