Sneaking out and dying

Date: 6/12/2019

By Midnights_my_night

So i had a dream last night that i had snuck out to meet my boyfriend. And for some reason the way to get there was really wonky. I had gone to his house and it was round 5am and I realized i needed to leave. So we started walking me home and i was freaking out bc it was so late and i had to get home before my parents woke up. Now in the dream it started getting light out and this weird cat with its eye popping out started chasing me and my boyfriend didn’t even care because he wasn’t being chased. After that we went on this weird wooden elevated bridge and one of his friends threw a container at him that ig we gave her last time we snuck out. And i took it from him and saw how much later it had got so we started running. I noticed the bridge was broke and we had to jump across to the other side. I jumped to early and fell (in slow motion) with the container coming out of my hands, and i just watched as i fell to my death from a hella high bridge into water. I woke up before i died but i know thats what happened from that fall.