Date: 6/8/2018
By SnoopDreamer
Got into America's Got Talent audition, so did all of my friends. Didn't have a talent, so got in it with Z. We danced to the music with frying pans, and did some cool tricks with them? Apparently the audience loved us but you had to go go a room where you did "single" auditions again in front of some guy who was the actual decider if you could move on to see if you could repreform it and be consistent, but the single auditions weren't right away, they were supposed to be later in case duos/groups needed to prep auditions by themselves too. Only people I've seen around my high school were there, many friends. We played a game where we had to remove a party streamer from the other people, like flag football without a football. I got a lot of people, probably 6 or so (including K.), and won the game (not a super big deal was made out of it, but afterwards I remember wanting to give the unbroken streamer to K, and then around this time I realized pretty much all of the dream is taking place in my school, but moved to the next part of the dream and forgot before I could. (I also thought that winning the game boosted my chances of moving on in AGT since it somehow shows I'm better? I'm not sure, I was quick and evasive though, it was fun) ). Dont remember much towards the end, something I said about knowing how crazy it is that I know basically everything about how my (new?) friend group was formed, but how I knew just generally, not with every specific person. This was while I was walking into our gym/auditorium I guess, not sure what for. Some random, same aged person I didn't know asked about the streamer and I let them wear it for a bit? I was worried about them breaking it but they didn't. I remember at the end, I "woke up" but was still in the dream, and immediately grabbed my computer and tried to find a dream recorder app. It was an impactful dream for some reason and I just HAD to write it down. I couldn't find one, so I opened an existing notepad file on my desktop, scrolled to the bottom, and started color coding everything (it basically turned into a word document, with tables I think, but was still in notepad?) and started to remember the dream chronologically, but I was remembering an earlier dream in the night first, and I thought it was a dream from a different day that set up this one indirectly. (Don't remember it now, something with cooking spaghetti and meatballs I think, there was a significance to like a kitchen floor, might be how I got the idea of pots and pans). After catching up to the talent show and starting to remember it, I woke up again, for real. Apparently because the last part was in a dream, and I was so determined to write it down in the dream, I decided to actually get an app and write it down. I've thought about it before, and this is pretty meta, but here I am.