Date: 9/17/2017
By wanderingSnake
I was an apprentice to a time traveler tonight the role filled by the shadowy friend of mine, he had a secret project of sorts involving a tribe of cave men way back in the dawn of time involving one of the tribeswomen and their fictional gods and deities. Hanging out in their caves painted by the shadows of their altars my friend, teacher? busied himself with various plans and things monologuing about random things, I followed in his towering shadow half listening to his words. He had entrusted me to look after an important tribeswoman telling me to be careful not to let her know too much of the future world incase it changed things to drastically or angered the men of the tribe. making them believe she had committed the cave man equivalent of witchcraft and blasphemy. Of course as any youth dose I agreed to look after her only to shut him up. He leaves to go do important time traveler stuff on another timeplane casting a stone brick corridor to travel through. it vanishes as he leaves. The girl and I sit a while, she is simple like an animal scrabbling around on the ground like an ape making grunting noises, it is saddening to see a human in such a state little more than a dog to our shadow friend, it's not right I decide. And so we travel to my time through my own created corridor of stone into a packed museum, if this human is to have any hope, any life and any meaning she must know the basics of the world she lives in. the foundation to build upon. In her limited understanding of language I try and explain and expand the world for her visiting various exhibits in hopes it is enough. I know I am disobeying my teacher but fuck him, to live a life of ignorance where information is available is to live a lie, if I was the cave woman I'd want to know the world around me and how to expand upon it. Things go to shit I lose her in the crowds of people trying to show her a map of the world, she no longer scampers around on all fours making her harder to find even when she has limited speech and is dressed to strangely. the reality of it all crashes down on me, the high of my pseudo heroism fading fast, if I don't find her my teachers plan is fucked, I'm already fucked because I disobeyed him who knows how this will effect things. I find her, hastily I run back to her time clutching her hand tightly dragging her through the corridors of stone.i don't think she wants to go back to that dim cave. hopefully it's not to late.