Date: 12/28/2021
By tjhj
There was a man in prison and he saw prisonerB about to shoot prisonerCwith a wardens gun. He took the gun away and ran. When they caught him, he waved the gun around and tried to resolve the conflict. PrisonerC apparently stole food from prisonerB. He was a very gentle man but basically half giant. He apologized and prisonerB made as though he forgave him. So prisonerA handed over the gun. PrisonerB shot PrisonerC and then made a speech about how they would never be free. PrisonerA stopped him and told him to never give up hope, then they sang a song and turned into fish. They landed in the ocean and Santa picked them up. PrisonerA then worked in Santa's shop/office as an elf. He fell in love with workerB who seemed straight. But there was a workerC who santa favored. WorkerB didn't understand why his work could never compare and eventually made a scene and ran out of the main office into his private office. Santa called for prisonerA to help him. Find WorkerB before he did something irreversible. They found him watching a movie in the dark and crying. PrisonerA hugged him and began nuzzling his neck with his nose. WorkerB kissed him and then they hugged while he cried. Santa left to find workerC and have sex with her. WorkerC was chasing a woman in a red dress through a maze and asking what she was playing at. It was Mrs Clause. And she wanted WorkerC to see her in the shower. WorkerC remembered fighting with her sister about it and realized she was wrong to have sex with Santa,so she left. Santa saw his mistress leaving a'd Mrs clause asked him if he was cheating. He said that he had been going to see his friends and work on eating fish eggs like he was supposed to. She was happy to heat it and so he took a bowl and sat in front of the TV to eat them.