Golf and Mystery

Date: 8/31/2020

By AzaleahRiddle

So today I remember two set of dreams. I don't know if somehow they are connected or not but somehow the dreams itself on their own is interesting. Golf So I dream being in this group of friends and freinds of friends. At first we are just waiting for others to arrive in this vacant lot then suddenly one or two of them playing golf however they did it hockey style. Like they slide through the area until they've placed the ball in the hall. This game being leisurely played suddenly turned into a tournament. I found myself joining the fray and when I got the ball, I just know that I am best with this game. Evading others and creating difficult maneuvers until I scored a goal. From the informal tournament the game became organized where we all have teams. There are two teams however per team there are three sets of four players that is going to compete in each round. My team is ecstatic that I joined them since like I said before, I am great with the game. I am teamed up with these two big guys(gals?) who is going to block/defend from the enemy while me and another one lithe build (Jia Molina) will be in charge of scoring. Before our team starts to play, we our lead outside for us to eat. I became worried since eating before playing might affect my gameplay since I know that if I ate too much I might vomit in the middle of the game. However, someone told us that if we did not eat we can't play. So I decided to just eat a piece of grape pie. And that's the last of I remember from this dream, taking a bite of that delicious pie. Mystery In this I am a detective and somehow I am a male here. So the first scene is this house where a murder took placed. The one thing about this house is its full of blood splotches and toys. While looking at the place someone said something about the father doing nefarious things in the basement and even sometimes with her daughter, then when I heard about this I just suddenly smirked and became giddy of what might have happened there. As I took pictures somehow I got an idea on where to start investigating. Memory gap/skip, I am in this area with full of destroyed toys. The toys involved here are doll type. Every doll got a murder depiction. I don't know if I found another clue or what but suddenly I am in another place like this. This time it is an amusement set-up. The thing that got stuck to me here is the passenger in the rollercoaster. The dolls riding the ride there are burnt like they depict that the people are burned alive however instead of having a terrified expressions, they have these dead expressions in their eyes like they are being hypnotize or psychologically manipulated. Somehow I percieved this doll as alive and tried to save them. I did not know what I did but some of them regained their former look and became repaired. I leave the place thinking I did a good thing. The focus of the dream then followed the saved dolls however instead of escaping the place they just explored the outside world and came back to the place where they are from. This is where the lady murderer found them and ask them how they escaped. The dolls immediately answer her as if she is their mistress. One of the dolls even gave her some pictures. Switch focus, the lady is inside the her house and rummaging the photos. Most of the photos though are about the dolls adventure. When the lady is about to became enraged she came upon a different photo obviously not from the same film. This photo is small and seemed like it been handled a lot. The photo is one of the crime scene and the very first part of my dream. Then suddenly the lady grinned and said 'I found you' thinking 'so you are an investigator of that scene'. The dream zeroed on the photo, then like the lady is reminiscing or something but somehow it is depicted that she is the one responsible for the bloodshed however it is because she snapped/went insane because of what her father did to her. Then the POV got changed from her to mine, questioning myself why am I even investigating the scene when I am giddy about the bloodshed. My conclusion? Because it will be suspicious if I did not and I want to meet the mastermind behind the crime. Extra Extra So this are scenes from the dream but I don't know where do they fit in the sequence. 1.) School. I don't if it's me or my brother but we are in school and my mother did not approved my choice of friends. 2.) Batman. Bruce Wayne is captured by Penguin. Penguin discovered that Bruce Wayne is not a goody two shoes and do have some dealings in the underground world. He even have some territory in crime area. However, he asked that what baffles him is that why is Joker protecting said area even going so far as naming the area under Joker's name. Bruce knowing the gig is up stopped playing a pathetic hostage and started laughing like a mad man. Then there's an explosion outside and Bruce is like 'He's here! HAHAHAHA! He's here!' while clenching his palm where there is some kind of symbol that somehow means that he belong to the Joker. Terrified, Penguin tried to shoot Bruce but a voice said 'You don't want to do that'. It was Joker. He came in strolling like you please and untied Bruce and Bruce is like super excited that Joker's there. Bruce asked if he can play(torture) with Penguin. Joker thinks about it just to make Penguin sweat however denied the request stating that 'I need him alaive and the underworld will be in shambles if he dies'. After that, he pulls Bruce for a passionate kiss and Bruce acted like a whore with moaning and shamelessly rutting himself to the Joker. Penguin ask the Joker what he did to Bruce then Joker said 'What did I do? He came to me himself.' Then somehow the talk got around to Batman with Joker saying 'Maybe we should reveal about it?' Bruce asked 'Batman?' Then Penguin asked 'What about Batman?' Since in this scene Batman's been missing for about a year or so. But Joker said 'Yes, we don't want them being too complacent now do we.' The next scene shift in a villain conference host by Penguin. Batman crashed the party. He was like suddenly in the middle of the villains broking someone's arm. So all the villain became alert but Joker's voice echoed 'Now, now' Batman looks at him 'Joker' and Joker was like 'Hello, Batsy darling' and to the confusion of all there Batman smiles widely. Penguin recognizing the smile and the mad look in his eyes the same as Bruce could only think 'Oh shit'. The End. *Note: Batman here is not like a Harley 2.0. He's like another criminal hiding behind the cape and when Joker came out he became infatuated. Now that I think about it, Bruce is like another Joker 2.0, mad and obsessed to the Joker as Joker is mad and obsessed to the Batman. 3.) Gameshow. I am in a gameshow again. I can't remember if as a staff or a contestant though.

AI generated interpretation Dream Analysis: The first dream, "Golf," represents a sense of competition and a desire to excel in a specific area of your life. The informal tournament turning into an organized game reflects a shift from casual engagement to a more serious endeavor. Joining a team and being valued for your skills suggests a need for recognition and validation from others. The concerns about eating before playing might symbolize a fear of self-sabotage or not being at your best when given an opportunity. The grape pie could represent a small indulgence or compromise to maintain balance. The second dream, "Mystery," represents your fascination with puzzles and intrigue. Being a detective signifies a desire to uncover hidden truths or solve complex problems. The blood and toys in the house suggest a dark and disturbing situation. The discovery of dolls with murder depictions reflects a fascination with the macabre, possibly indicating an interest in understanding the motivations behind violent acts. Saving the dolls and seeing them explore the outside world may symbolize a desire to rescue or rehabilitate damaged aspects of yourself or others. The lady murderer and the revelation of her background story could represent a dichotomy between being drawn to darkness and seeking justice. The extra scenes, such as the school, Batman, and the gameshow, likely represent various aspects of your life and interests. The school scene with disapproval from your mother may reflect conflicts between personal choices and external expectations. The Batman scene reveals a complex relationship between power, obsession, and identity. It suggests a fascination with duality and the allure of darkness. The gameshow scene represents a desire for engaging in activities that challenge and entertain you. Overall, this collection of dreams showcases a curiosity for different realms of life, from sports to mysteries, from personal relationships to the pursuit of power and entertainment. It may reflect a complex personality with diverse interests and a deep desire to understand the human psyche and the motivations behind both positive and negative actions.