Drugs and Security

Date: 11/9/2017

By Aimskodak

Dream started off with me being at a kind of party. Kym the woman who looks after my horses was there. I’ve forgotten mostly what has happened but I remember her daughter Abby was late for the party and kym had left her phone on the table and walked away. Abby called so I picked up. She told me that one of friends dogs was sick and she’s pretty sure it’s going to be put down. (I somehow knew she was at the vets) Jump. I was talking to Kym when I remembered that Abby had called and I explained to kym what’s going on. She was ok with it. Me and her started talking about the horses and I told her that I want to start coming to see the horses every day. Kym shook her head. She didn’t believe that I would. So I told her I would write myself a note. In big black thick marker I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote; YOU HAVE TO GO TO YOUR HORSES, AND DO EXERCISE. Jump. Now I’m suddenly in my own room blue tacking it to my wall. Jump. I was standing out side a grocery store (like a Woolworths) with a couple of my friends. Lauren(BF), Brendon (BFs older bro) and a few of his friends. We were talking about taking drugs and that Brendon had bought Pills for everyone. The boys were being quite loud talking about them so I had to tell them to shut up. Brendon turned and gave me a paper bag full of pills. I put them straight in my pocket. I put my hand in the bag but I didn’t look. I could feel pills between my fingers. The bag in my pocket was nearly the size of a tennis ball. Just full of pills. We walked into the “Woolworths” together. Everyone was mucking around and I was handing them out $20 each to all of my friends. I gave Lauren 2. Very quickly I noticed she was acting way more fucked than she should have. So I asked Brendon what was in them. His eyes widened and he asked if I had given her one of the big ones. I slightly panicked and asked her if one of the pills I had given her was bigger than the other. She shrugged her shoulders. Jump. We were all at the cash register lining up to pay. And one of my friends asked to buy one, someone I wasn’t expecting to get one. She slipped me $20 and I gave her one. Then I turned to lauren and remembered she was completely wrecked. I asked again if one of the pills was bigger, then she started panicking. Asking if she had had too much, if she was going to die. We both went to Brendon and asked him what was the big pill and he said something like JPC. Which in my dream I felt I knew that it was a synthetic drug. Wasn’t quite sure what it would do exactly but knew it would be a faster heart pumping and slight hallucinogen. Brendon said she would be fine so everyone calmed down. I looked down the register isle and saw a security guard standing there. I started to panic. Then my friend started doing a magic trick for him. Making a box bigger then smaller again. The security guard walked away and we all laughed. Jump. We were sitting in the lollie isle at tables. The isle was very wide. It was kind of darkish in the rest of the shop. The table we were sitting at went the whole length of the isle. But we only took up one end. Brendon asked if I still had the other big pill and asked if I would like to share. He halved it on the table in front of me. I remember the pill being big and yellow and powder pressed. This one was oval and blue and a clear hard rock candy type. I told him I only want 1/4 and I chopped a half. Then I grabbed my bit up and took it. It didn’t taste bad like normal drugs it just tasted like a lollie. Everyone around me was having fun. And I reached into the paper bag and felt around. There wasn’t anymore pills but I could feel lollies. I looked in and had a rake around but I couldn’t find any more pills. Birdseye view mode, I could see everyone sitting at the table and I could see a security guard watching us in the next isle. Back to normal, I started to panic. Forgot that there was no more pills in the bag and I honestly thought that it was a bag full of pills again. Everyone else around me seemed to have started falling asleep on the floor. I was the only one awake watching the security out the corner of my eye (the isles were chin height). (I probs shouldn’t have been able to see him, but I could) I was sitting in the floor and he has turned around. He was on the phone, throwing glances our way, here and there. I pretend to lie down and go to sleep. I knew what I was doing was a bad idea because guaranteed there were people watching through cameras. I lay down and threw the bag of pills under the lollie isle, under the shelving. I sat back up, it didn’t go as far as I had expected. So I stuck my leg under and pushed it further. All the while knowing that the cameras would see me. But I did it anyway. I sat back at my table. Everyone still asleep. I was going to wake people up but it didn’t. I turned my head to look at the guard and he was now in our isle. Bending down to get the bag of pills. I stood up and ran. Best chance I had. He didn’t know who I was. I legged it. I saw the glass doors open and a rocking pebbled tar parking spot. I ran out the doors, took two steps on the rocky floor and BAM I woke up.