Let’s travel together

Date: 3/3/2018

By sarahsleeps

We took a trip together. No one knew where we went or for how long we would stay away. We barely knew each other but I trusted him. It was nice to get away. I felt free. I could be however I wanted. I wasn’t stuck acting a certain way and with growing up like I have I wouldn’t get made fun of for how I’ve changed. As you grow up with the same people you become known. They remember you as you were and if you do change as you grow they don’t accept it as well. Expecting you to be the same person you always were. I got into taking pictures. I really like doing that. But because it’s new I got made fun of. Not in a mean way. But they thought I was just doing it to seem cool. When really I just like doing stuff like that now. He doesn’t know me. Know who I am. What I like. How I act. I could be whoever. I could be myself. So that’s what I did. I never felt more at ease. More natural. More myself. Because I just met him I didn’t feel the need to impress him. He was stuck with me anyway. This was his idea so why should I be worried about putting up a front so he liked me. If anything I had the upper hand. He needed me to like him. He asked me here. Well. I already liked him. He could be at ease. Be himself. I didn’t care. As much as I worry about how people see me I literally am so accepting of everyone. I don’t judge and I usually like anyone. I can adapt to you. So here we are. Escaping our worlds. I think we both needed this trip. I get why I needed this trip. My life isn’t great. It isn’t anything special. So it’s nice to feel like it is. To just go away and do something fun. Something to relieve the stress. I didn’t understand why he needed to escape. He had it made. What could you possibly want to change. And why do it with some stranger when you have friendships that I am very much jealous of. They’re so close to each other. They love each other so much. Maybe he was just bored or something. Idk. Would he have felt sorry for me. Even so. What did it matter to him. Anyway. He seems to be letting me lead. Probably cause I’m the one who knows a little more about where we are right now. Plus it was kind of my idea. It was one of my many suggestions and I made him pick. He said he didn’t care and it was just that coming here would be the easiest. I like him. I want to be his friend. I don’t know what this really makes us though. Will we head back and continue on with our separate lives. He ignores that we ever met. I guess I shouldn’t think about that now. I don’t want to ruin this trip. This is special for me though. I feel content here. Comfortable with him. Maybe because I’m not worried about how he will see me. It almost doesn’t matter if he is just gonna forget the fact that we met. Knowing he is into personal touch and affection I feel comfortable showing my clingy side. I like to touch people and be close. Not necessarily in a sexual way. I just have no clue what personal space is and it’s nice knowing he doesn’t care because he is the same way. It’s funny. I know more about him than he does about me. This fact is known between us. I could tell he is trying to fix that. Pick up on any little clue he can about me. The questions make it obvious. He’s trying to figure me out. While I may be extremely simple I won’t make figuring me out that easy. I like to keep others on their toes. At least try to seem interesting even though I’m actually not. The trip seemed never ending. Which was great. I felt like I could spend my life like this. Not staying in one place forever. Always exploring. Always experiencing something new. I just needed him by my side.