Date: 8/2/2020
By mrelectricheslying
so i had a dream that i was in a building that was like half open like partially inside partially outside, idk. anyways so the part inside was like a carnival except it didn’t have any rides just like the food stands and photo booths and it also had an outdoor theatre kind of. but in front of the outdoor theatre it had like 4 jail cells but the jail cells only had 3 walls so the front of it was open but the inmates were chained to a cement block anyways i was walking around the carnival part and saw the jail cell and saw some family members and went up to them and saw one of my cousins actually being an inmate and the jail cells face the outdoor theatre screen so the inmates and their families were watching movies along with the regular people just going to watch a movie. and then my best friend shows up and we start walking around going to get food from the carnival area and we see an old crush of mine sitting in the photo booth not even taking pictures just sitting there with a girl sitting on his lap and he’s pretty skinny and the girl sitting on his lap was like extremely skinny like about the size of a baby skinny like anorexic skinny and me and my bestfriend just walked back to my cousins jail cell watching the movie with him. and my old crush was in an angle from the photo booth where he could see me and my bestfriend at my cousins jail cell and he kept starring at me then later on my best friend left and then a few minutes later the girl my old crush was with left and i stayed in the jail cell with my cousin and family watching the movies and my old crush comes up to the jail cell not even saying hi to anyone, sits on a bean bag faces ME and just stares and doesn’t say anything i was getting kind of creeped out oh and then kim kardashian came up out of nowhere and was talking to us to try and figure out a way we can get my cousins sentence reduced so he can get out of jail sooner and then my old crush started walking up to me and i was getting super uncomfortable like it was a creepy stare and then kim kardashian was like “hey let’s go get some food from the carnival stand” to me so i left with her leaving my old crush with my family because he was totally freaking me out and then i woke up like why am i having these complete nonsense dreams of anyone can explain pls do