Date: 12/10/2019
By pinkstar16121
I forgot exactly what the fundraiser was for, but just know it was for students. I think my goal was like $1400, so the amount I raised was pretty good. For some reason, I read the number as 1 million two hundred thousand though, but then my uncle reminded me it was $1200 when he said "how do you feel after raising $1200?" and I realized that was basically my goal of $1400. He congratulated me and my mom did. Then, this woman came up to me. I think she was behind me actually, then my mom said "look who it is." And I half-expected it to be our family friend who passed last August, but it wasn't, my dream sticking to real life logic that that wasn't possible, and I saw this blond woman wearing red I didn't recognize, but she certainly recognized me, and I figured she knew me when I was little. She opened her arms for a hug, but I didn't accept because I didn't know this lady. Although, the more I looked at her, the more familiar she looked, but only vaguely like I'd seen her only once before. The next part of my dream involved me being a part of this group of like high school kids who were just fooling around and laughing. There was food I think. I also remember walking with my aunt and uncle somewhere on this very slanted hill, decorated with fall leaves. I held onto my aunt's arm to keep balanced. We were following behind my uncle. I don't know where we were going, and I don't know what our destination was. I don't even think we reached it. I just remember the next scene I was signing into something with my school email. It was part of being in this group I was in. I saw students' names on the page, but only female names. They must have been high school students, and I guess there were supposed to be middle school students and males listed too because suddenly my old coworker who just appeared was like "does anyone know where the boys and middle schoolers are?" The last part of the dream my friend was in. We were playing some game that initially involved (but that's only as far as it got anyway) telling your age, but not your real age, the number that came up when you added together the first three letters of your first name as they appear in the alphabet. Although it was meant to be simple, my friend went and wrote out this whole equation on this big piece of paper that took like an eternity. After a few minutes I decided to try it out, and I figured it out quickly, but after figuring it out awake I realized I was 10 numbers shy. The number I had figured out in my dream was a year older than he is now, at least till March, and the number it actually is is 11 years older than he is now. I then tried figuring mine out, but was doing my last name accidentally, then did my first name, but I got the numbers wrong as they fell in the alphabet, thinking S is the 14th letter when it is the 19th (I checked upon waking up). That's all I remember.