Michael J. Fox goes to a psychic healer

Date: 9/28/2018

By annothray

So I was an observer in the dream Michael J Fox had something wrong with his left knee It seem like it was sprained he was walking up a country grassy hill side of crutches and his knee hurt really badly he was looking for a cure for his Parkinson’s disease and everything else I was watching him with another woman who is a‘s psychic healer who used crystals in a ritualistic way to heal people She went inside the small house with him He was in all this pain screaming To begin the ritual the psychic healer cut her Kat open with an obsidian knife She do the same to Fox leg There was blood everywhere Then she took special crystals and move them over his body like energy healing She saw all this depression in memories inside his blood where in the wound had made in his leg He said he had all these insecurities and sadness from his childhood She said the healing will start from inside those feelings That I woke up