Date: 5/24/2018
By Jaymore
I was at my college, or rather a souped up version of my already sprawling college campus, and I was just trying to get to a bathroom but kept getting distracted. It was convention weekend so it was busy, and my friend in the dream, Nick, who I haven't seen in yearssssss, and who has to be in a power chair, was trying to get food but couldn't because half the restaurants were closed and the others were overflowing with people. I ducked out to find a bathroom, but was stopped by a dude asking me for money to buy drugs that he'd repay in the next couple days. I kept trying to say no and he kept offering me different things, like his mixtape or something? I finally made it out and got to my choir rehearsal. It was nearly empty because a lot of people were either busy or were in the other chorus next door. Professor Brown had me do my solo, and for some reason I couldn't get the same virility in it, though my notes and tone were totally on. I just couldn't belt it loud and proud like I was used to, and we kept having to go over it. I explained it to her as not having the full choir to draw energy off of. I tried all sorts of different things, listening to different people, surrounding myself in a box of some kind. I don't even know. Choirmate Blake tried to help, but it wasn't much. After that, I was outside and doing a little bit of parkour but my arms were weak from working out, and working, so much the past few days in real life. So I was taking the stairs two at a time and this guy was like "I don't get how anyone can do that lol I'd get so tired" and we got to talking about that and another guy joined in at the top of the stairs. Right afterwards, some friends (I forget who) were looking at a spider that I guess the one ordered for eating purposes. He kept putting it up to his mouth but not putting it all the way in. I was suffering, being a vegetarian, and couldn't look. I explained that I'd worked with raw meat having done work with 4-H (but that was true in real life) but that I still wouldn't eat it.