I'll Sort My Eggs Then Kick Your Ass!

Date: 4/29/2020

By wahblamy

I don't have time to story mode this one so I have to write it in point form. - worked on a farm with about 4 other people and David and Jen. We had to sort through buckets of raw eggs and scoop out bad ones. - Forest worked with us and I got bad vibes from her. I confronted her and said that we both couldn't work here. One of us had to go. - She said she would go because she didn't want to be there anyways. Then I'm in the bathroom and she comes in and tries to choke me out. I get her back and win the brawl. She goes and tells everyone that I'm a fraud but in doing so makes herself look like one. She leaves and I win the day. - head to a swimming hole with a cute boy I had two more dreams but they're not coming to me!!! 😭