Date: 10/2/2016
By headFeed
Im in my room and i look outside struggling to open the curtains, its very cloudy out and thunder starts so i try to take a picture. the clouds are shaped very strangely and as i adjust my ipod to take the right picture, i see a giant flying boat get into the frame. i look outside and the boat is crashing towards my house. i look away and walk around panicking but nothing happens. i look outside again and a landmark got unlocked?. i go outside and some people of the village are outside too. i go to the new landmark which is a statue on the sand at the beach. the villagers come join me and point out the fallen boat in the water. some evil man is laughing while holding a key connected to the boat. he sinks down with the boat so we go and try to get it from him because it holds valuable treasures. hes supposed to be the final boss but we struggle with him now because if we let him sink hell get extremely powerful later. im zelda trying to get the key and another thing hes holding. i get it from him and let him sink on his own. he says something like "long time no see, gardelia". i return tlo the village and bring these marbles and the key to supposedly my parents. theyre laying with two dogs and i show it to them. the dog tries to eat the marbles but keeps spitting it back out. i go back outside and theres marbles all over the walkway.