The 7 Tests of Horror 👻 and Curiosity 😕 PART 2 (Continued of the First One; Has 2 tests)

Date: 10/10/2019

By CalMehJuly

My 5th test was to escape this mansion where 2 boys were holding me captive for some reason. I tried to text the police but they both grabbed in tightly in inappropriate places for me to drop the phone. I did send the text...but it was the wrong number. Not 911. But I felt i was in a love triangle honestly. It was like an anime LOL. I didnt escape but got teleported to test 6... I'm in my bedroom and its dark. I see lights of letters popping out. Spelling out LAST TEST or something like that. I got teleported to this mall that was outside but inside at the same time. Test 6 was all about meeting this girl named Aiden and her boy student who is maybe named Aiden? One of the people are named Aiden. Ok? Good. Now I meet her shes like a tutor or teacher and is super nice. She said I passed YAY. Test 7? .... Um well she told me to buy icecream or it was my idea I forgot. My dad or this dude was going to buy it for me. I was buying ice cream in an outside place and an old guy had his cart of flavors. I picked Oreo icecream Good choice he said But he kinda picked it for me.. I just pointed to it without words coming out of my mouth There was mint icecream too Darn why is he so stubborn he scooped the ice cream and it was very liquidy He said he needed to freeze it or microwave it or something I stood there waiting Never got the icecream The end.