Date: 5/3/2021
By TripK
I was exploring the woods next to my neighborhood with a friend (I can’t remember who), but things were a bit different. The woods were more dense and lush—something to be expected because it’s Spring/Summer and the plants are growing back, but the terrain was different too. I couldn’t exactly place it, but everything was a bit different. Eventually we got to a thin river, much different than the river that runs through the real-life woods. Further down the left were some people messing in the water, and before we could do anything a woman in a fancy looking red jet-ski barreled down the stream, stopped just after us, turned, then went back the way they came. My friend and I were both baffled about how they even fight the jet-ski in the stream, as there was very limited space to move. Before we could do anything else, the jet-ski returned and stopped in front of us. Upon closer inspection, the jet-ski had a longer back for several passengers. The driver looked at us expectedly. After some deliberation, my friend and I entered the jet-ski. The jet-ski turned back around, and once again headed the way they came. The steam eventually banked left and we arched around until the stream ran right up next to a suburban neighborhood. We stepped out of the jet-ski and they left. My friend and I were incredibly confused, and we decided to go to the nearest person we saw. We went up to an older man standing outside his house, and talked for a bit, I can’t remember the exact conversation we had, but he pointed us in the direction to a large house behind some trees, even further away from where we came. We thanked the man and he led us towards the house. As we were talking, J showed up from the inside of the house. They led me inside the house where I (awkwardly) met some more people, then they asked me to follow them elsewhere. Then I woke up. Night had fallen by the time we got to the large house, and it appeared a party was going on. The man led us towards around back of the house where we met some people. Everyone was nic