Zombie Apocalypse

Date: 10/22/2022

By alexcoderre7

It was a boring day as college (this was actually set at my real college I go to). I don't remember what class I was in, but I was walking to the door, about to open it when a zombie crashed into the door. Chaos ensued and I was able to get outside. I see four of my classmates trying to jump fences to get to our parking lot and I run over to join them. I can't remember who the four were (two girls and two boys), but they were my friends. I tell them that If I can get my keys, we can get to my car and leave. We run back and I grab my bag before we sprint to my car. We all get in and I drive off. Later, we stop and I get out to go look for supplies. I'm walking around when I see these structures. I climb on them till I loose NY footing and fall. Once I get up, I notice my bag is still up there so I'm about to go back up when two guys appeared and started to harass me. Then Negan (From the actual walking dead) walks over with two others and kills them I get my things and ask them to join me and my friends who have now shown up cause they were worried. We leave and I fall asleep. Normally that's the end of my dreams, but surprisingly, I woke up and look around, in a bed. I get up, grabbing a knife and walking out of the room One of the girls walks over and I almost stab her as she scares me. I look at her in shock as Negan and the others appear. "Wait, that was real?" I asked them, as I thought that it was just a dream. Then the dream ended.