Polar Scare

Date: 2/1/2019

By joshuaremaley

As I laid on the couch of the formal living room in the house I grew up in, something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. It was what appeared to be the silhouette of a large stuffed animal, but my phobia of taxidermy quickly kicked in and suddenly my blood turned ice cold. I was staring at it so intently that even in my sleep I could feel my eyes straining. I was too afraid to close them, too afraid to keep them open. Watching like a hawk for any sign of motion, I immediately noticed when the shadow’s jaw moved. I tried to scream, but my voice was too hoarse. Then, my worst fear came true. The figure took on a full form of a demonic-looking polar bear, and it turned in a way eerily similar to how a human would. As it began to walk toward me in an aggressive demeanor, I tried screaming again to no avail. Then I woke up, but in a different dream. I think I was out to dinner with family, but completely unable to keep my composure. I was balling and hid under the table, so shaken by my horrific nightmare. Nobody understood why I was so fragile, and that just upset me more. When I did finally wake up in reality, I could still feel the fear and shame of it all.