Digital art, A cute boy and the protagonist share an intense moment of desire and closeness at a hotel lobby, where he breaks up with his girlfriend before they move to his hotel room that boasts modern decor, and they bond over conversations including trust as the protagonist realizes she was lucid dreaming.

Cute boy intense interaction

Date: 10/11/2019

By Justinecg_

I was at a conference of meeting for like tennis or track. I didn’t play but I was there regardless, and we were in a really nice hotel as a big group all watching tv in a private lobby area. Me and this guy has been making flirty eye contact the whole trip and finally I went to introduce introduce myself. We shook hands and his were really big and kinda rough but he held on a little too long. Then we both were parted. We were all staying up really late it was about 2am when we both got up and went to walk to the other side of the room. He kinda followed me and then I turned around and he was RIGHT behind me like I turned around and my face was in his shirt/chest. We kind of just hovered around each other just appreciating being close and I really gently touched/ grazed his back and side and he lightly traced my face and hair. He smelled so good and he felt incredibly really. It was very intense and there was tangible desire there. Then we both knew. We separated and he looked into my eyes and said I’ll be right back I’m going to go break up with my girlfriend. I went and sat back down like it wasn’t a big deal with my best friend( Emma but it was also Sarah W at the same time)and told her . He stepped outside of the room. When he eventually walked back into the room he just kinda looked and me and I went to follow him/ so did my bestie. We were walking out and one of his friends joined up because we were going to his hotel room. I remember being very much aware that that was strange and I tried to talk to him a little bit but I was really awkward( per usual). My bestie and his friend led the conversation as we walked down the hallway and up some stairs. But he did tell me “I’m from El Salvador, you know that right?” and I just said “ I’ll call you all the time” I knew that after this trip he was going back at the end of the summer and I did get kinda sad. Once we got to the door they opened it we went up a little flight of stairs and their room was HELLA nice, modern looking, dark color scheme. He said one second I’m going to go change. When he came back down my bestie went to hug him to say bye and then said he smelled good. He said “that’s for Justine not you” and he pulled me close to him. I hugged him and he held me and felt all the muscles in his back and breathed into his chest/shirt deeply and said you smell really good while looking up into his face. He smiled at me and then my bestie was gone and so was his friend. We went to lay on this flat low bed thing. *theres no sex btw not even kissing* Like an ottoman but bigger. He had on a white T-shirt and basketball shorts. And he pulled me next to him. I was laying my head on his chest and he said I’ve gotta change my leg out. And I was like WTF? I looked down and he had a prosthetic leg, his left leg. He pulled out this very advanced looking leg that he said was for comfort not running and snapped it on. It moved like a real foot and I k ew that this whole dream was set VERY far in the future. I distinctly remember thinking “ how did that happen, I can’t ask” “ that must hurt”. Then I laid back on him and said can I ask you some questions and he said sure. I asked what if he had to wear one color for the rest of his life what would it be he said “Blue, no! Green! No blue” then I asked “how many people could you trust with anything, for example if you had a dead body” he interjected “if you had a medical issue” I continued “yes or if you were attacked by someone.” He said “ 3 people “ and I was like wow. I told him I’ve asked many people that question and on average it’s about 5-6 people on their list, I also said my list is only 4. That helped me conclude it was very difficult to earn trust from him, I liked that. Then I realized I was lucid dreaming because I came up with those questions myself and I’ve actually asked a lot of people that question. Then I woke up.